The following individuals were recently recognized as award recipients for the 2022-23 academic year. Teaching awards: Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry Chelsea Massaro, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Jorge Lizarzaburu, and Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu. Assistant Professor of Art Ron Geibel won the Jesse E. Purdy Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Works Award. The Advising Award went to Associate Professor of Chemistry Michael Gesinski.

—May 2023

Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu recently published a peer-reviewed article titled “An All-Divine Love: Conjugal Love Versus Romantic Love in Lafayette’s Princesse de Clèves” in the interdisciplinary French literature journal Cahiers du Dix-septième.

—September 2021

Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu chaired a panel organized by Women in French and titled “Women’s Infidelity” at the 117th annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, in San Diego, CA, in November 2019.  Women in French is a scholarly association whose goal is to promote the study of French and Francophone women authors, the study of women’s place in French and Francophone cultures or literatures, and feminist literary criticism.

—November 2019

Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu has just published a book review of Herrick Chapman’s France’s Long Reconstruction: In Search of the Modern Republic in the French Review (vol. 92, no. 4, pp.217–218).

—May 2019

Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu presented a paper titled “Seduction or Harassment? The Case of Lafayette’s Princess de Cleves” at the 50th Northeast Modern Language Association in Washington, DC, on March 23. His paper was presented as part of a panel titled “Confronting Sexual Assault in French and Francophone Literature.”

—March 2019