Assistant Professor of Kinesiology Ed Merritt presented “Unexpected Results in Muscle Hypertrophy and Regeneration Research” at the University of Wisconsin, Department of Kinesiology Lecture Series. The talk discussed the importance of inclusive practices in science research and education.

—November 2023

Associate Professor of Kinesiology Ed Merritt was invited to speak at the American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA, on April 21. His talk, “Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Satellite Cells: A Southern White Male’s Subterfuge to Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Physiology,” was part of an inclusive pedagogy session and round table discussion aimed at improving physiology education in undergraduate, graduate, and medical schools.

—May 2023

Associate Professor of Kinesiology Ed Merritt and collaborators published a paper titled “Prolonged Cycling Lowers Subsequent Running Mechanical Efficiency in Collegiate Triathletes” in the journal BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. The paper details a study that explored the physiologic and biomechanical changes that occur in running after cycling.

—August 2022

Associate Professor of Kinesiology Ed Merritt’s recent manuscript “Why Is It So Hard to Lose Fat? Because It Has to Get out through Your Nose! An Exercise Physiology Laboratory on Oxygen Consumption, Metabolism, and Weight Loss” will be published in the September issue of the journal Advances in Physiology Education.

—August 2021

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology Edward Merritt followed an ultraendurance cyclist across the country collecting blood and urine samples from him twice a day for the 10 days it took him to finish the 3,000-mile Race across America. This feat of scientific endurance, “Proteomic Markers of Nonfunctional Overreaching during the Race across America,” was recently published in Frontiers in Physiology. The results provide a better understanding of the changes the human body experiences during extreme physical stress.

—December 2019