Professor of Environmental Studies Joshua Long consulted on the new NPR / KUT 90.5 podcast “Growth Machine” and was interviewed for multiple episodes.

—July 2023

Professor of Environmental Studies Joshua Long co-edited a book with Jennifer L. Rice (University of Georgia) and Anthony Levenda (Evergreen State). That book, titled “Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance,” was published by the University of Georgia Press. The three editors also authored two chapters within the book.

—April 2023

Professor of Environmental Studies Joshua Long presented the opening paper in the Climate Colonialism series at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Denver, CO. His talk was titled: “Climate Justice or Climate Apartheid: Interrogating three trajectories of climate colonialism.”

—April 2023

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Joshua Long served as a presenter, panelist, moderator, and chair for several sessions at the (virtual) Annual Association of American Geographers Conference this month. Most notably, he served as moderator and discussant for the “Urban Climate Justice Futures” panel and also presented a paper titled “Crisis Capitalism and Coloniality: Funding Climate Action Projects in the 21st Century.”

—April 2021

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Joshua Long published an article with Jenn Rice (University of Georgia) and Anthony Levenda (University of Oklahoma) in the journal Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space titled “Against Climate Apartheid: Confronting the Persistent Legacies of Expendability for Climate Justice.”

—March 2021