Director of First Year Biology Laboratories Stacie Brown, in collaboration with Dr. Richard Meyer of University of Texas, has secured a contract with American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Press to co-write a lab manual for sophomore/junior level introductory microbiology students. The lab manual will include guided-inquiry and inquiry-based modules that conform to ASM curriculum recommendations. The expected publication date is 2017.

—April 2016

Stacie Brown, director of first year biology laboratories, has been selected to participate in the Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant microbes in the Environment (PARE) project, a program through Yale University that provides undergraduates the opportunity to do research and contribute data to a national database. This is in alignment with the Biology Department’s efforts to transform the laboratory exercises into research, which has been partially supported by the HHMI grant.

—August 2015

Stacie Brown, director of first year biology laboratories, is a co-author for a paper published in Microbiology titled “Indole inhibition of N-acylated homoserine lactone-mediated quorum signaling is widespread in Gram-negative bacteria.”

—May 2015