Selected Publications:
* Southwestern University undergraduate co-author
Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
Taub, Daniel and *Page, Joshua (2016). Molecular Signatures of Natural Selection for Polymorphic Genes of the Human Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Systems: A Review. Frontiers in Psychology 7:857. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00857.
Taub, Daniel. R. and *Page, Joshua (2013). Cystic Fibrosis: Exploration of evolutionary explanations for the high frequency of a common genetic disorder. Genetics Society of America Peer-reviewed Education Portal.
Gurevitch, J., Taub, D.R., Morton, T., Gomez, P. and Wang, I.-N. (1996). Competition and genetic background in a rapid-cycling cultivar of Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 83:932-938.
Eanes, W.F., Kirchner, M., Taub, D.R., Yoon, J. and Chen, J.-T. (1996). Amino acid polymorphism and rare electrophoretic variants of G6PD from natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics, 143:401-406.
Plant Ecophysiology and Global Change
Taub, Daniel R. and Wang, Xianzhong (2013). Effects of carbon dioxide enrichment on plants. In Pielke, R. Editor-in-Chief, Climate Vulnerability. Academic Press: San Diego, ISBN 978012384703.
Taub, Daniel R. and *Graham, Gillian (2011). Global Temperature Change in the 21st Century. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Volume 7
Taub, D.R. (2010) Effects of Rising Atmospheric Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide on Plants. Nature Education Knowledge 1(8):21
Taub, Daniel R. and Wang, Xianzhong (2008) Why are Nitrogen Concentrations in Plant Tissues Lower under Elevated CO2? A Critical Examination of the Hypotheses. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50 (11): 1365-1374.
Taub, Daniel R.; *Miller, Brian and *Allen, Holly (2008). Effects of elevated CO2 on the protein concentration of food crops: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology 14: 565-575.
Taub, D.R. (2002). Analysis of interspecific variation in plant growth responses to nitrogen Canadian Journal of Botany, 80: 34-41.
Taub, D.R., Seemann, J.R. and Coleman, J.S. (2000). Growth in elevated CO2 protects photosynthesis against high temperature damage. Plant, Cell and Environment, 23: 649-656.
Taub, D.R. (2000) Climate and the U.S. distribution of C4 grass subfamilies and decarboxylation variants of C4 photosynthesis. American Journal of Botany, 87: 1211-1215.
Taub, Daniel R. and Lerdau, Manuel (2000). Relationship between leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic rate for three NAD-ME and three NADP-ME C4 grasses. American Journal of Botany, 87: 412-417.