Empowering Students Through Research Opportunities
SCOPE program fosters student-faculty collaboration across disciplines.
June 08, 2023
June 08, 2023
Open gallery

Southwestern University’s Summer Collaborative Opportunities and Experiences (SCOPE) program is a dynamic partnership that empowers undergraduate students to engage in cutting-edge research across various disciplines. With its commitment to academic excellence and fostering a spirit of inquiry, SCOPE offers students an unparalleled opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on impactful research projects.
During this eight-week program, SCOPE students forge partnerships with esteemed faculty members and fellow undergraduates. Participants receive a stipend and dedicate themselves full-time to collaborative research projects and artistic endeavors. The projects are wide-ranging, from delving into the realm of artificial intelligence for video games to dissecting the leadership styles of CEOs to investigating the intricate racial history of the University itself.
While students work on their respective projects, they live on campus, which fosters a tight-knit learning community. SCOPE participants engage in weekly social and academic events that build lasting connections while honing their professional skills. This intensive experience culminates in presenting projects at a fall open house, followed by the annual Research and Creative Works Symposium in the spring. These highly anticipated events provide a platform for students to showcase their remarkable achievements and share their work with the wider Southwestern community.
“The SCOPE program allows undergraduate students the opportunity to do research that, in most institutions, is reserved only for graduate-level scholars, and the program bestows Southwestern students the opportunity to provide an original intellectual contribution to their chosen discipline,” Assistant Director of Integrated Learning Elizabeth Beasley said. “SCOPE scholars frequently accompany faculty members to co-present at some of the top academic conferences around the country. It is just one of many opportunities that set the Southwestern experience apart from undergraduate experiences at other institutions.”
Beasley says the SCOPE program is valuable to students regardless of their future career goals. Students learn to work in a collaborative and inclusive environment that provides a meaningful connection between what is learned in the classroom and the act of doing research. Additionally, upon reflection, SCOPE scholars find they have a deeper understanding of the material and have learned unexpected things about themselves. The SCOPE experience gives students lasting confidence that will positively impact their lives.
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