Katherine Lunam (Junior, Theater Major) spent her Spring 2023 semester in New York City as a New York Arts Program student. This SU Study Away program allows students to gain real-life practical experience and network in their field in one of the largest cities in the world!

Her semester entailed an internship at the Lee Strasberg Institute of Film and Theatre and seminar classes offered by the New York Arts Program. At her internship site, she gained experience in stage managing two main stage shows, creating an inventory system for all their props and costume pieces in storage, admissions work, front desk services, marketing, and financial management tasks.

Of her experience with the New York Arts Program, Katherine shared:

Immersing myself in the city was truly an amazing experience. I would not change a single thing about my time away from the walls of Southwestern. I learned all I wanted and more, and it gave me skillsets, connections, and more that will last a lifetime. I look forward to hopefully returning to New York in the future, but for now, I will utilize all I have learned towards our own [SU] theater program.

The New York Arts Program (NYAP) is open to all Majors but is especially relevant for students studying fields in the Arts. Students can also participate in the domestic CHIP internship Study Away program in Washington, D.C., or complete an international internship abroad with a SU-approved provider or on the SU London semester program!