Jake, a political science major and philosophy minor from Orlando, FL, also competed on the Southwestern University men’s lacrosse team, performed in the wind ensemble as percussion section leader, and served as community service chair for his fraternity, Phi Delta Theta. Conducting sociological research with Dr. Reggie Byron around on bias and police shootings afforded Jake additional valuable experience to round out his liberal arts education and prepare him for graduate study. 

The James Robert Andrews Endowed Fellowship was established by family and friends of James Robert Andrews (Class of 2004), in memory of his strength, courage, determination and intellectual curiosity. Like Jake, Jim Bob was a Political Science major and member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. During his undergraduate years, he worked as an intern on the House Ways and Means Committee in Washington, D.C., and at the CBI on Parliamentary Affairs in London. Prior to starting law school at Tulane University in the fall of 2005, Jim Bob spent a year in Karamay, Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China, where he taught conversational English to Chinese students. After safely evacuating from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, he was in a diving accident that resulted in a spinal cord injury. Jim Bob was making tremendous strides in rehabilitation when he died suddenly due to medical complications.

The generous gift of the Andrews family in memory of Jim Bob supports students like Jake as they pursue graduate study on their way to making a difference in the world the way Jim Bob did.