The Council for Advancement and Support of Education has named Southwestern University a gold award winner in its 2018 Circle of Excellence Awards for the redesign of the SU website.

In November 2017, SU launched a completely redesigned website built to communicate our newly refined brand. Informed by extensive market analysis and stakeholder research, and built with the help of experts in user experience, visual design, content strategy, and programming, the new website shows prospective students and their families the qualities and unique value proposition of the Southwestern experience.

“The look and experience of the new SU website is meant to reflect the progressive and innovative nature of the University itself,” said Vice President of Integrated Communications Tim Cobb.

A panel of experts selected Southwestern’s entry in the institutional websites category from a field of 64 competing schools.

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is one of the largest international associations of education institutions, serving more than 3,700 universities, colleges, schools and related organizations in more than 80 countries. CASE is the leading resource for professional development, information and standards in the fields of education fundraising, communications, marketing and alumni relations.