Jerry Pate was recently honored with the Martha Diaz Hurtado College Town Award in recognition of his dedication to Southwestern and the Kappa Alpha Order, as well as his continuous efforts to enhance the “college town” environment for students, faculty and staff at Southwestern.

The relationship between Southwestern University, the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity, and Pate dates back to his teenage years, when he first met a few members of the fraternity and developed a strong friendship. While he never formally attended Southwestern University, Pate quickly became a valued member of the campus community through the fraternity and was initiated into the Chapter as a graduation present from High School in April of 1974. Pate served Georgetown as a police officer for over 30 years, while continuing to support Southwestern and the Kappa Alpha Order.

Kent Huntsman, Associate Vice President for Development at Southwestern, presented the award to Pate at the The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce 2018 Annual Banquet at the Sheraton Austin Georgetown Hotel & Conference Center. During his presentation, Huntsman praised Pate for his dedication to the university and town, and shared accolades from several members of the Kappa Alpha Order. Alumni and friends of all ages shared their reflections about Pate:

Arlen Ferguson, Class of ’63

Over the years, Jerry has always been the “glue” that helped hold KA / SU relationships together, during both good times and bad.  Similarly, Jerry has never failed to promote the positive aspects of the Southwestern University/KA student experience, and has always been our “go-to” brother to rally the troops, when additional alumni support is needed.

Matt Worley, SU Class of ’80

Jerry Pate has been a part of Kappa Alpha and the SU community since his high school days. His involvement with the chapter, for such a long time, is truly unique. 45 years of service to the fraternity and the school. I believe he knows more “generations” of KA’s than any other individual. He has provided a steady hand of guidance, to the ever changing leadership that is inherent in any student organization.

Nick Pate, SU Class of ’13

Jerry Pate, my father, is the most passionate member of the Kappa Alpha Order that I have ever met. He truly loves KA and Southwestern with all of his heart, and he has given so much to strengthen not only KA and Southwestern, but also the City of Georgetown. He served Georgetown as a police officer for over 30 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant, all the while he was a key member of KA. I still remember being a little kid and my father telling me that he was going to help with KA fundraisers, going to help fix or clean the KA house, or going to be involved with another event at Southwestern. His dedication is one of my most cherished childhood memories, and it is one of the main reasons I wanted to come to Southwestern and become a KA. His unwavering dedication and passion for KA and Southwestern has made an impact on the lives of so many, something I am reminded of anytime I set foot in the KA house, talk to any KA alumnus, or speak to anyone in the Southwestern community that has a tie to KA. I believe I can speak for the entire Xi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order when I say thank you for being a constant source of light, during the great times and the rough times of the chapter’s history. I cannot think of anyone else who would be more deserving of this award.

Daniel Buffington, Class of ’17

Jerry Pate has been a longstanding member of Kappa Alpha Order and the Southwestern community. Despite never having attended SU, no other individual has done more for Southwestern’s Xi Chapter and the greater community than Jerry Pate. Jerry is always willing to offer advice and support to the chapter and is involved and undoubtedly linked to the chapter’s long term success. Jerry was the first alumni to volunteer his time and help lead a chapter house beautification project on the Southwestern campus in 2015. Jerry has always been a constant for Xi Chapter and his steadfast support of the chapter and its active members is appreciated more than he can imagine.

Kent Sholars, Class of 2004

I have known Jerry Pate for over 15 years. I remember meeting him for the first time during my homecoming as a freshman at Southwestern. But I wouldn’t truly come to know, love and respect Jerry Pate until several months and years later. After joining KA in the spring, we were soon suspended from campus, and Jerry was one of the first people I remember stepping up to support a group of confused and rather lost young men. Jerry encouraged me personally and guided me to become a better person through one of the most impactful times of my life. He did this because he loves Southwestern, and he cares for everyone that is part of the Southwestern community. Through his efforts and guidance, I can definitely say that I became a better man and learned the value to contributing to my local community.  As members of the Georgetown community and ambassadors of the University, my friends and I volunteered for various local groups including a charitable group led by Georgetown Police Department. The group raised money to support local nonprofits by hosting chaperoned junior high school dances. Because of (Lt.) Jerry’s position with Georgetown Police Department, he encouraged us to get involved in the organization, which led to us volunteering our time and helping to raise thousands of dollars for this great cause. Jerry is a mentor and a true friend, and he is the type of person in the Southwestern Community that we should all strive to be.


Pate has spent decades mentoring, guiding, teaching, and, perhaps most importantly, loving the young men of Kappa Alpha Order as he helped raise them to be responsible, productive adults in the Georgetown community and beyond. It is fair to say that Southwestern University, the Kappa Alpha Order, and the community of Georgetown have all been richly blessed through his service. To show his appreciation, one member of the fraternity recently made a $2,500 gift in honor of Jerry to the Thomas White Memorial - Kappa Alpha Order Endowed Scholarship, which carries on the legacy of Thomas White, pledge class of Spring ’15, to assist brothers with financial need.

The College Town Award was created in 2006 for long-time Southwestern University employee Martha Diaz Hurtado, who was extremely active in the community. It was established to recognize citizens, organizations or businesses whose dedication and efforts have enhanced the “college town” environment for SU students, faculty and staff. Previous recipients of the award include the Williamson County Sun, the Downtown Georgetown Association, Gary Nelon, Mel Pendland, Dr. Doug Benold, Ellsworth Peterson, Esther Weir, Barbara and George Brightwell, the College Town Committee, Scott Alarcon, First Texas Bank, Jim Wilson, and Carolyn Holloway. The award is named for a long-time Southwestern University employee who was also very active in the community.