Taken from Amazon.com:

Imagine a small town in Central Texas. Imagine a mother whose favorite time of year is Christmas–how she transforms that time into a continuous celebration of lights and fragrances and delicious goodies from her oven. Add to this the hunt for the best tree, the taste of Cheese Batter Buns, the electric train circling under the branches… nice! But there is something more, something mysterious that radiates through her warm enthusiasm that attaches a permanent sense of joy to the season which reignites like the star itself year after year, as we chose a tree, bake batter buns and bring our changing family together once again. Love. That is the magic we’ve been searching for, the magic that makes this story a lasting memory.


David Watts came to Georgetown at six years of age when his father, Harvey, was asked to step in and teach New Testament Greek to the Pre-Ministerial students at Southwestern. Soon they purchased the house at 1201 Hutto Road that he lived in all the way to college at Southwestern and which is featured in his Christmas memoir. He attended elementary and secondary schools in Georgetown, played tennis on the team, acted in the state champion one-act play and was inducted into All-State Band two years in a row. He began Southwestern as a music major switching majors to pre-med in his junior year. He was elected student body president and graduated with the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award. He is currently a Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF in San Francisco. He also teaches poetry at the Fromm Institute on the campus of USF. Watts’ most recent book of poems, Having and Keeping, was runner-up in the 2015 Brick Road Poetry Press contest and published as Editor’s Choice in 2017.