Sororities at SU

How do I choose a sorority or fraternity?

The Big 5 Things to Know for Recruitment

1. There is No “Best Fraternity or Sorority”

The “best sorority/fraternity” and best sorority/fraternity for you are different things. Each organization presents different values, opportunities, and membership experiences. You should seek to join the fraternity where you feel most comfortable; has members you enjoy spending time with; and has goals, interests, and values that match your own. Research on individual chapters rarely show significant differences in student success – the greater good is spending time with chapter members, involved in chapter activities.

2. There are Academic Requirements

To become Academically Eligible to join a fraternity or sorority at Southwestern University, all students must:

  • Successfully have completed at least 12 credits at any accredited college, university or community college
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student at Southwestern University

Note: Most Southwestern chapters have a higher academic requirement than the one listed here. Be sure to ask about individual fraternity or sorority academic expectations during your Recruitment experience.

3. No Alcohol, Drugs, or Hazing

Alcohol, drugs, and hazing are not tolerated in the fraternity and sorority community and should definitely not be part of the recruitment process. If you feel uncomfortable with any part of the recruitment process, contact the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, submit a Student Complaint Form, and/or call the Campus Conduct Hotline to submit an anonymous complaint, at 866-943-5787.

4. There is a cost to membership

Fraternity and sorority members are responsible for dues to the chapter. These dues are used to pay for community service and philanthropic projects, social events, membership development events, chapter house usage (if applicable), organizational attire, parent/family and alumni events, insurance and national fees, as well as general chapter expenses. If a student accepts an invitation to join, they may be asked to sign a membership and financial responsibilities agreement. Students are encouraged to review all agreements carefully and discuss them with their parents or support networks before making a decision.

Because dues tend to be higher during the first-semester of membership due to joining fee’s related to insurance, initiation materials, headquarters expenses, etc., Southwestern University provides some financial aid for New Members. In addition, each chapter provides scholarships to individual members.

5. Think for yourself and make your own decision

In summary, Southwestern encourages students to learn about each of the organizations they are eligible to join and meet men from each in order to determine which of SU’s fraternities or sororities seem best suited for them.

Keep an open mind. Take plenty of time to make a decision. Don’t let your decision be influenced by others. Don’t be fooled by misleading stereotypes. The members of each organization are individuals. Take the time to get to know them.

When choosing a sorority or fraternity, think both of what you may gain from the group as well as what you have to offer. Do not be carried away by the recruitment process. Be wise, open-minded, and sincere in your choice. Look beneath the exterior and find a solid foundation for judging the character of the men within each group. Consider every aspect of fraternity or sorority life carefully. The group you choose will not only be your friends in college, but also your friends throughout life.