Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity (DIBE) Coalition

Diversity Enrichment Fund

The Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity (DIBE) Committee encourages campus organizations, departments, and student affairs offices to provide opportunities and programs which further diversity on campus.

Limited funding is available for such efforts. The committee determines an annual amount available for funding requests from campus groups at the beginning of each academic year. Funding requests received are considered on a rolling basis.

These funds are offered to increase the quantity and quality of programming that demonstrates different aspects of diversity to the university community. Examples of programming that may be eligible to receive funding include:

  • Campus Interactive Event (e.g., Diversity and Inclusion Events and Programs)
  • Campus Cultural/Lecture Event (e.g., musical performance or guest speaker)
  • Off-Campus Conference (e.g., Student Leadership Conferences)

Any University “budgeting unit” is eligible to apply for funds, including student organizations, academic departments and administrative offices. 

Priority will be given to groups which work together to sponsor an event that encourages the campus community to affirm our diverse perspectives. In addition, priority consideration will be given to those proposals seeking additional funding sources and which have not received diversity enrichment funding within the same academic year as the proposal.

  1. Complete and submit the proposal form below. 
  2. The organization will be notified in advance of the specified meeting at which the written proposal will be reviewed by DIBE. At this meeting, representatives of the organization will have the option of making a brief presentation in support of the requested funds.
  3. The DIBE Committee will notify the organization of its decision as well as any recommendations concerning event planning. Organizations whose funding is denied may revise their proposal and reapply.
  • All activities must be related to enhancing and promoting diversity.
  • Campus events must be open and at no cost to the SU community.
  • Events held on campus must be in an accessible location or transportation must be provided.
  • Sponsoring organizations must fill out an evaluation form within one week of the event, and must provide photos, video, and/or audio of the event.
  • All event marketing must include the DIBE Committee as one of its sponsors.
  • If proposal concerns off campus activity, proposal must include an on-campus presentation (e.g., Poster display in McCombs Concourse table, public presentation).
  • Diversity Enrichment funding cannot be used for charitable donations or fundraisers.


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