Health Center

Services Provided

The Health Center provides a variety of services, including: 

  • Complete evaluation by a Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant
  • Prescription medications sent to the pharmacy of your choice
  • Laboratory services
  • TB skin testing
  • Flu vaccine
  • On-site testing for strep throat, mono, flu, COVID-19
  • UTI evaluation and treatment
  • Physical exams for study abroad and internships
  • Well woman exams
  • STI testing, treatment and education
  • Birth control information and prescriptions
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Free condoms in the lobby (latex-free by request)
  • Emergency Contraception
  • OTC medication with instructions for use
  • Minor trauma evaluation and dressings
  • Suture and staple removal
  • Depression and anxiety screening and treatment
  • Counseling Center referrals
  • Information on community resources

Please bring your most current health insurance card to every Health Center appointment. While the Health Center does charge private insurance, students will not be charged a co-pay, or billed for Health Center services not covered by their insurance. Labs are sent off-site to CPL Laboratories, who will bill insurance separately from the Health Center.

The Health Center will continue to provide high quality health care to ALL students regardless of their health insurance status or ability to pay.

The Health Center provides complete confidentiality for its patients.