Majors & Minors

Communication Studies

You’ll journey through the history, theory, philosophy and ethics of communications acquiring along the way a deep understanding of its impact on our society. Our critical inquiry into the relational, rhetorical, social, cultural and ideological functions of language, performance and media, opens the door to a multitude of career options in our media-driven world.


Lamiyah Bahrainwala

Lamiyah Bahrainwala

Associate Professor of Communication Studies & Chair

Lamiyah Bahrainwala

Lamiyah Bahrainwala

Associate Professor of Communication Studies & Chair

Communication Studies
Communication Studies

How do we send messages between one place and another, through some medium of communication? How does the use of different mediums—radio, television, the Internet—affect the way we communicate? How do institutions, maintain and disseminate information over time? These questions, and many others, lie at the heart of the Southwestern Communication Studies Department’s approach.

Through the Department’s multifaceted curriculum , our faculty  provides an intimate learning experience, focusing on the myriad ways that communication, culture and identity intersect and define each other. 

Through this rich combination of modes of thinking and analysis, the Communication Studies Department provides you with a strong critical and theoretical understanding of the ways in which our social reality is constructed and challenged through communication patterns and practices.


Featured Alumni Stories

Gregory "Bear" Reeves '17

Why Waste Your Time With a “Throw-Away” Degree

How a Classics degree helped one SU alumnus gain acceptance into highly competitive T14 law schools.

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Terrenee Knight ’07

Pirate Confidential: Terrenee Knight ’07 Reflects on Her Southwestern Experience

Amazing opportunities and an expansive support network were hallmarks of Terrenee Knight’s experience at Southwestern from 2003-2007.

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The outreach project Wander Like Water was born: the Houstons would produce videos for YouTube and social media in which they would showcase not just their travels but also educate viewers about how each water source they’d visit “has a story, an issue, or a threat.”

Wander Like Water

Southwestern alumni adventurers raise awareness about water and educate the public about sustainability.

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Communication Studies News

Laura Rativa '21

From Southwestern to the Supreme Court

SU student Laura Rativa ’21 has her sights set on becoming a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

Rico Self

Rico Self Wins Prestigious Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the National Communication Association

The award recognizes new scholars who completed outstanding dissertations during the previous academic year.

Internships in the virtual world

The Internship Must Go on

Noel Pratts ’21 and Audrey Payton ’21 gain real-world experience in the virtual world.