Tactical Plan

Task Force Members

An Ad Hoc Tactical Planning Task Force has been formed after consultation between President Trombley and Strategic Planning Committee (SPC). The Task Force includes the current members of SPC as well as a few additional members to broaden out the constituencies and expertise areas represented.

  • Laura Skandera Trombley, President
  • Bob Bednar, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee and Humanities Faculty Representative to SPC


Members and Roles:
  • Kalli Caldwell, Student Government Association Student Representative to SPC
  • Craig Erwin, Vice President for Finance & Administration (ex officio)
  • Lois Ferrari, Fine Arts Faculty Representative to SPC
  • Alisa Gaunder, Dean of the Faculty (ex officio)
  • Kellie Henderson, Coalition for Diversity & Social Justice Student Representative 
  • Alison Marr, Natural Sciences Representative to SPC
  • Kendall Richards, Associate Dean of the Faculty (ex officio; voice, no vote)
  • Heath Roberie, Financial Planning & Analysis Manager (ex officio; voice, no vote)
  • Andy Ross, Social Sciences Faculty Representative to SPC
  • Paul Secord, Vice President for University Relations & Strategic Initiatives (ex officio)
  • Jennifer Smull, Academic Support Staff Representative to SPC
  • Ronnye Stidvent, Board of Trustees Representative
  • Derek Timourian, Student Life Staff Representative to SPC
  • Natasha Williams, Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (ex officio; voice, no vote) 
  • Miguel Zorrilla, Alumni Council Representative