Title IX

Role of an Advisor

Advisor(s) may be chosen by parties to accompany them to any grievance proceedings, and to be copied on communication from the Title IX Office. The advisor’s role is to support the party through their participation in the grievance process. The advisor will play a passive role and is not permitted to communicate on behalf of a party (except for the questioning of witnesses during the a Title IX hearing). In the event a Party’s advisor engages in material violation of this Policy, the University may preclude the advisor from further participation, in which case the Party may select a new advisor of their choice.

An advisor may be:

  • A friend
  • A family member
  • An Attorney (in which case the University will also attain legal counsel)
  • A trusted faculty or staff member

Helpful tips for serving as an advisor:

  • Assist with interpreting and understanding process and policy – you may ask any related questions of the Title IX Coordinator.
  • Understand the kind of support your advisee is seeking, and consider what is in their best interest.
  • Understand how to be an advocate for your advisee – know when they need to take breaks during meetings, and when to seek support measures from the University.
  • Assist with developing statements that may be requested from your advisee.
  • Assist with developing questions that your advisee may ask during the hearing process.
  • Respect all parties involved; encourage honesty and integrity in line with University values.

Identify which “Track” is applicable:

Track A - Title IX Processes

  • During the investigation process: The advisor will play a passive role and is not permitted to communicate on behalf of their advisee, insist that communication flow through the advisor, or communicate with the University about the matter without their advisee being included in the communication.
  • During a hearing: The advisor will conduct the questioning of the other party and Witnesses during the proceeding. The advisor will not answer questions on behalf of their advisee.
  • In the Track A hearing, parties are required to have an advisor, and if a party does not identify their own advisor, one will be assigned. The name and contact information of the advisor must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator prior to the hearing.

Track B - Other Sexual Misconduct Processes

  • During the investigation process: The advisor will play a passive role and is not permitted to communicate on behalf of their advisee, insist that communication flow through the advisor, or communicate with the University about the matter without their advisee being included in the communication.
  • During the hearing: The advisor is not allowed to speak during the hearing, to speak for their advisee, to argue for their advisee, to address the Hearing Board, or to address/question any witness during the hearing. The advisor’s role is limited to advising privately, in a non-disruptive manner.

The Party/Participant making an advisor request must Complete the “Request and Authorization for an Advisor” online (SU login is required) or download the form and submit to TitleIXCoordinator@southwestern.edu.