
High Impact Learning Experiences

Southwestern Cast of Don Swan on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh Scotland Southwestern Cast of Don Swan on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh Scotland

Are you seeking an immersive experience to enhance your Theatre education? Look no further!

At the Sarofim School of Fine Arts, we are dedicated to helping you maximize your academic and creative endeavors. Our Theatre Department offers a wide range of opportunities that will enrich your education and professional development. As a Theatre major, you will have the chance to engage in at least two high-impact experiences before graduation, ensuring a well-rounded education.

From study abroad programs to intensive summer internships, we provide numerous avenues for you to explore and grow. Take a look at some of the experiences that our current and past students have participated in below.

Program Preference and Preparation

Not sure where to start in choosing and applying for a high-impact learning experience? The Center for Career and Professional Development offers aid in picking the perfect program for your goals and can help you craft excellent applications, resumes, and interview techniques tailored to get you into the prestigious program of your dreams.


Southwestern University and the Sarofim School of Fine Arts offer a variety of funding options for high-impact learning experiences. For Theatre major-related pursuits, students may apply for a Sarofim Travel Grant of up to $700 that can be utilized once per year for the entirety of their time at Southwestern. Specific study abroad experiences have previously been funded by generous donors, and programs like the London Semester Abroad can be supported by a student’s general tuition scholarships and financial aid. Students needing additional funding may also apply for Paideia scholarships, as well as scholarships offered through the Office of Intercultural Learning (contact). With ample financial support available, every student has the opportunity to excel in the high-impact programs that call to them!