Special Opportunities

Study Abroad

Many of our Spanish majors and minors study abroad during their undergraduate years, for a summer, semester, or whole academic year.  In past semesters, our students have studied, travelled, and interned throughout the Spanish-speaking world, in Peru, Ecuador, Spain, Argentina, Costa Rica, and many other countries.  

Each summer, Southwestern offers a study abroad program for students who have finished their language prerequisite (Spanish III).  This coming summer (2021), we will have two advanced level programs. Dr. Katy Ross will be leading the Advanced Spanish and International Marketing program in Granada, Spain and Dr. Carlos de Oro will be leading the Advanced Spanish program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

We typically offer the opportunity for students who would like to complete Spanish II and III abroad to do so in the summer, but will not have this opportunity in the summer of 2021. We will most likely have an Intermediate Spanish (Spanish II and III) program in Granada, Spain in the summer of 2022.