
Majoring & Minoring

The Spanish program’s curriculum is composed of a mixture of courses focused on the written and spoken language, as well as the literature and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.  All Spanish majors are strongly urged to include plans for study abroad, either during their junior year or through summer programs offered or approved by Southwestern University.

Majoring & Minoring

The capstone experience for Spanish majors consists of a seminar taken during the senior year. The course is intended to cover the broad aspects of the discipline and culminates in an oral presentation. Together with advanced courses, the capstone provides a solid grounding to prepare students for graduate work, as well as for sophisticated, original projects in a diverse array of fields.

Major in Spanish (2021/2023 catalog) (link to previous catalogs)

Eight courses (minimum 30 credits)

  • SPA15-164 Spanish III: Language & Culture
  • One course from:
    • SPA 15-214 Written and Oral Expression
    • SPA15-334 Conversation through Hispanic Cinema
    • SPA 15-344 Introduction to Literary Studies
  • One course from:
    • SPA15-354 Cultures of Latin America
    • SPA15-364 Cultures of Spain
  • One additional course from the following levels: 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700
  • Three additional courses from the following levels: 400, 500, 600, 700
  • SPA15-934 Research Seminar for Seniors (Capstone)  (offered in spring only)

Majors must take part in a language assessment exam during the semester of their Spanish capstone experience. Info on Spanish resources page.

Spanish majors may pursue a paired major with Latin American and Border Studies (LABS) in which any two courses may be counted towards both majors. Students who pair Spanish and LABS must take two capstone courses, one in the Spanish department and the other as outlined under LABS.

Minor in Spanish

Five courses (minimum 18 credits)

  • SPA15-164 Spanish III: Language & Culture
  • One course from:
    • SPA 15-214 Written and Oral Expression
    • SPA15-334 Conversation through Hispanic Cinema
    • SPA 15-344 Introduction to Literary Studies
  • One course from:
    • SPA15-354 Cultures of Latin America
    • SPA 15-364 Cultures of Spain
  • One additional course from the following levels: 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700
  • One additional course from the following levels: 400, 500, 600, 700

Minors must take part in a language assessment exam once they have completed their minor coursework. Info on Spanish resources page.

See the Education Department for information regarding teacher certification in Spanish.