Student Research and Awards

Sociology Conference Presentations

Every year, our sociology majors present at national and/or regional conferences. This is an amazing professional opportunity that is typically supported through Fleming and department funds. These types of experiences set our majors apart from those at other universities and help them in the graduate/law school/job application process.

The Population Association of America meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2023


Thuymi Phung ’23 presented “Barriers to healthcare: Mental well being in adolescence and foregone care in adulthood”




The Southern Sociological Society meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC, April 2023


Angel Ferrales ’24 presented “Make Love Not Porn; Attitudes Towards Banning Online Subscription Sexual Content Websites.”


ThuyMi Phung ’23 presented “’There are always going to be the bad people who access the guns’: Predictors of Americansʼ Perspectives on Gun Violence.”




The Honors Program, American Sociological Association meeting, August 2021


Katherine Holcomb ’23 presented “Fear of Crime as a Gendered Experience: Gender and Risk Perception in Public Spaces.”