Southwestern University

Reporting Options for Student Issues and Concerns


Southwestern University faculty and staff members care deeply about the student experience and want students to report concerns promptly. This page links to various reporting methods for students’ convenience.

Bias Reporting

Report incidents of bias that you have experienced or seen in order for the staff to address concerns as quickly as possible. Submissions are received by the Director of Student Inclusion and Diversity.

Bias Incident Reporting Form


Facilities Work Orders

Submit a work order to report maintenance or custodial issues. Call SUPD (512.863.1944) immediately in the event of an emergency or urgent after-hours concern. Submissions are received by Facilities Management.

Word Order Request


General Complaints

Issues and complaints that cannot be addressed through the University’s disciplinary procedures, or directly between the involved parties, should be addressed through the Student Complaint Form. Students may file a formal complaint describing the issue and the remedy sought. To file a formal complaint, students should complete this form, received by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Complaint Form



Hazing incidents are in violation of policy and sometimes the law. If you have experienced or observed incidents, please report them. Submissions are received by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Report a Hazing Incident 


Honor Code

As a student, you can report a violation to a professor or testing proctor. Submissions are initially handled by the Office of the Dean of Students.


Sexual Misconduct/Title IX

Submit this form to make a report of sexual harassment, sex or gender discrimination, interpersonal violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature, or retaliation. 

Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Reporting Form


Whistleblower Policy/Confidential Campus Hotline

This policy and hotline are available for complaints that generally deal with unethical or illegal activity, often, but not exclusively, related to money handling.

Whistleblower Policy & Confidential Campus Hotline


Suspicious Circumstances/Crime/Emergency

Call SUPD at 512.863.1944, or call 911 in case of emergency.