See the course catalog for complete course descriptions.

Minor in Race and Ethnicity Studies

Five courses across at least three disciplines

  • At least one Reflecting on Concepts course from:
    • Communication Studies
      • COM75-454 Race, Ethnicity, and Communication
    • Philosophy
      • PHI18-124 Latina/o Identities
      • PHI 18-184 Theories of Race
    • Sociology
      • SOC34-264 Race and Ethnicity
  • At least one Thematic or Group-Focused course from:
    • Anthropology
      • ANT35-244 Race, Class and Gender in the Caribbean
    • Communication Studies
      • COM 75-654 Muslims in the Media
    • Education
      • EDU40-234 Schools, Society and Diversity
      • EDU40-274 Multicultural Children’s Literature
    • English
      • ENG10-874 Topics in American Ethnic Literature
    • Feminist Studies
      • FST04-254 Latinx Spiritualities
      • FST04-364 Chicana Feminisms
    • French
      • FRE11-344 Francophone Literature and Film
    • History
      • HIS16-234 History of Colonial Latin America
      • HIS16-244 History of Modern Latin America
      • HIS16-404 Latin American History in Film and Literature
      • HIS16-454 History of the Civil Rights Movement
      • HIS16-554 The History of Europe’s Muslims
    • Philosophy
      • PHI18-124 Latino/a Identities
    • Political Science
      • PSC32-214 Governing Diversity: Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
    • Religion
      • REL19-214 Native American Traditions
      • REL19-384 Rastas, Saints and Virgins
      • REL19-394 Indigenous Myth and Narrative
    • Spanish
      • SPA15-454 Race and Immigration in Spanish Literature
      • SPA15-734 Spanish in the United States
  • No more than two Allied courses from:
    • Anthropology
      • ANT35-334 Global Environmental Justice
    • Art History
      • ARH71-034 Introduction to Art History: Latin American
      • ARH71-264 Art in China Since 1911
      • ARH71-364 Native Books, Images and Objects
    • Communication Studies
      • COM75-234 Rhetorics of Resistance
      • COM75-284 Rhetoric of Surveillance
      • COM75-434 Communication, Culture and Social Justice
      • COM75-614 Identity and Media
    • Education
      • EDU40-264 Second Language Acquisition
    • English
      • ENG10-834 Postcolonial Literature
    • Feminist Studies
      • FST04-104 Introduction to Feminist Studies
    • German
      • GER12-714 Transnational Identity Narratives
    • History
      • HIS16-034 Nations and Nationalism in World History
      • HIS16-474 Sport and Society in Modern America
      • HIS16-484 The History of the U.S. West
    • Music Literature
      • MUL80-134 Music in the United States
    • Philosophy
      • PHI18-134 Philosophy, Race and Revolution
      • PHI18-194 Introduction to Feminist Philosophy
      • PHI18-284 Philosophies of the Americas
      • PHI18-324 The Embodied Self
    • Political Science
      • PSC32-174 Gender Politics
      • PSC32-184 Politics in Latin America and the Caribbean
      • PSC32-364 Introduction to Political Theory
      • PSC32-404 Educating the Modern Political Subject
      • PSC32-564 Modern Political Theory
    • Religion
      • REL19-374 Sacred Space and the Environment
    • Sociology
      • SOC34-234 Gender and Sexuality
      • SOC34-364 Sociology of Work
    • Spanish
      • SPA15-534 Cultural Memory in Latin America
      • SPA15-644 Gender, Race and Nationalism in Spanish Cinema
      • SPA15-654 Citizenship and Conflict in Colombian Cinema
      • SPA15-714 Spanish Sociolinguistics
    • Theater
      • THE72-614 Theatre for Social Change: Practice and Performance
      • THE72-234 Theatre History

      Additionally, there are other courses offered less regularly in a variety of departments that contribute to this minor, some as special topics courses, some as particular content under a fixed course number that carries variable content depending on what semester it is taught. Each semester the Registrar will provide a list of courses that contribute to the minor via Self Service.
  • To complete the minor, students will complete a final assessment administered by the Program Chair.