How to Apply
How to Select Schools
Deciding where to apply is a personal choice. Make sure you choose those schools that best match who you are.
Keep in mind that state schools receive funding from the state government; therefore, they tend to limit admissions to state residents. Private schools have no preference for state residency, so the tuition is the same for everyone. Some states have no medical schools but have an agreement with schools in neighboring states where you will have an advantage in applying. If you decide to apply to out-of-state schools, make sure you know the out-of-state tuition.
Select schools that you believe are a better match for you based on your core values, average GPA and MCAT scores of accepted students, size, demographics, location, curriculum, and pedagogy.
Resources for selecting schools
- Individual school websites.
- Southwestern University alumni.
- “Deciding Where to Apply” by The Association of American Medical Colleges
- Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) ($28 for a subscription)
- “Become an Osteopathic Physician” by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)
Number of schools to apply to
This is entirely your choice, but remember that there is a cost associated with the application process.
The Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS)
The TMDSAS has a flat-rate application fee of $185 for 2019. Therefore, we encourage you to apply to all the medical and dental schools in the state.
Check out the TMDSAS website for more information
The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS)
However, if you plan to apply to medical schools outside Texas, you will be using the AMCAS service. For your primary application, expect to pay a fee of $170 for sending materials to one school and $40.00 for each additional school in 2019. Therefore, we recommend that you do your homework and research each school of interest to narrow your list. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has an application fee–assistance program.
Check out the AAMC website for more information
The American Dental Education Association Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (ADEA AADSAS)
If you plan to apply to dental schools outside Texas, you will be using the ADEA AADSAS service. For your primary application, expect to pay a fee of $245 for the first school and $102 for each additional school in 2019. The AADSAS has an application fee–assistance program.
Check out ADEA website for more information
The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS)
If you plan to apply to dental schools outside Texas, you will be using the VMCAS service. The application fee depends on the number of schools you are applying to.
Check out the VMCAS website for more information
The Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA)
If you plan to apply to physician-assistant schools, you need to use the CASPA service. CASPA charges $179 for the first program you apply to and $55 for each additional program in 2019.