Human Resources

Whistleblower Policy / Confidential Campus Hotline

Southwestern University requires all faculty, staff, and students to observe the highest of business and ethical standards and to comply with all laws, regulations, policies and practices in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Guidance for this requirement is provided in the University’s Ethical Conduct Statement, the University’s various policies and procedures, and Southwestern’s longstanding commitment to honesty, integrity and excellence in everything we do. At a minimum, the University does not tolerate illegal, dishonest or unethical conduct including without limitation, that relating to:

  • financial, accounting, and auditing related issues
  • sexual misconduct
  • discrimination based on protected class
  • bullying or abusive acts.  

It is the responsibility of every person in the community to report violations or suspected violations. All reports must be made in good faith with a reasonable belief that a violation has occurred. No person who in good faith reports a violation shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment or education-related consequences. Any member of the University community who retaliates against someone for reporting a violation in good faith will be subject to discipline (up to and including termination for employees) as set forth herein and in the Faculty, Staff, and Student Handbooks. Reports which prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.

If a student, faculty or staff member suspects or has evidence of a person exhibiting unethical behavior or violating any standard, they may report it through many channels within the University structure. They may also use the Campus Conduct Hotline to report these incidents.

The Campus Conduct Hotline, 1-866-943-5787, is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Reporters may remain anonymous or may choose to provide their names, should they want follow-up. The Campus Conduct Hotline is administered through a third party, Syntrio, which promptly sends all reports to the University’s Associate Vice President for Human Resources for appropriate investigation and action. A summary (number, general type) of report is submitted to the Board of Trustees semi-annually.

For more information on the hotline, contact the Associate Vice President for Human Resources.