Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Ethics Training

The IRB requires certification of ethics training for all Principal Investigator(s) prior to proposal review. 

If the proposal is deemed to be more than “minimal risk” then all researchers associated with the study (including student researchers) must provide a certification of ethics training prior to proposal review. 


The IRB requires certification of ethics training for all Principal Investigator(s) prior to proposal review, as well as for all IRB members. CITI Program provides online training program that meets its education requirements for grant recipients and provides important information for anyone involved in human research. CITI Program courses are free for those affiliated with Southwestern University. You can register for CITI Program below. A certificate of completion (PDF or screenshot) for this program or a similar certification program dated within the past three years must be submitted to and kept on file.


Citi Program


Registration Instructions


If the proposal is deemed to be more than “minimal risk” then all researchers associated with the study (including student researchers) must provide a certification of ethics training prior to proposal review. 

“Minimal risk means the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.