
Notable Faculty & Student Achievements

August 2023

  • Professor of Philosophy Michael Bray published an essay, “Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Post-Marxism Can’t Give Us a Political Strategy,” on the Jacobin website. A Spanish translation, “Laclau, Mouffe y la estrategia política,” was also published on

July 2023

  • In July, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Jorge Lizarzaburu presented the paper “An Extended Evolutionary Account of Human Nature” at the International Society for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology at the University of Toronto.

May 2023

  • The following individuals were recently recognized as award recipients for the 2022-23 academic year. Teaching awards: Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry Chelsea Massaro, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Jorge Lizarzaburu, and Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu. Assistant Professor of Art Ron Geibel won the Jesse E. Purdy Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Works Award. The Advising Award went to Associate Professor of Chemistry Michael Gesinski.

April 2022

  • Lurlyn and Durwood Fleming Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins has completed a second 10-month contract with the Austin Police Department (APD), this time to develop guidelines and formal procedures for selecting and reviewing video training material for the Cadet Academy that focus on recognizing and addressing the ways video material can have unintended consequences and harms and may reinforce rather than disrupt larger cultural narratives and stereotypes. Hopkins has written and submitted a final report to APD and the Austin City Council. He remains under contract for the remainder of this year on the larger curriculum review committee whose task is to review and develop improved training curricula and content across the several training regimes for APD. This work was recently featured in a 60 Minutesepisode that noted its innovative (and largely unprecedented) approach but not the many and various difficulties it faces among entrenched institutional histories and competing political agendas. 

January 2021

  • Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins has completed an eight-month process as part of a community panel reviewing materials used at the Austin Police Department (APD) Training Academy. The panel was the longest-serving component of the Austin City Council’s Resolution 66 (December 2019), which initiated an investigation into bias and racism in the APD.  The final report has been presented to the community and to the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force and is being covered by a number of media sources, such as KXAN, whose coverage can be found here.

August 2020

  • Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins was a panelist for “Trauma and Policing: An Abusive Relationship,” part four of the Austin Justice Coalition conversation series Imagining a World without Police,on August 5. 

July 2020

  • Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins was a panelist in a two-part Zoom town hall meeting on policing and Arab, Muslim, and Middle Eastern communities. The event was hosted by Interconnecting Arabs, Muslims, and Middle Easterners (I-AMM) on July 18 and 25.  

  • Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins  is the invited guest on the podcast The Partially Examined Life  for a two-part episode (#248) on policing. He discusses Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception  and Linda Alcoff and Alia Al-Saji’s developments of his theory of perception and prescriptions for disrupting racialized perceptions to try to understand persistent police violence against people of color and in general. He will also be a panelist on July 15 during a webinar for the National Association of Social Workers on policing practices, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic. 

June 2020

  • Professor of Philosophy Michael Bray’s article “The Virus Infects Politics: Six Theses on Social Reproduction, Biopolitical Economies, and the Legitimacy of States,” appeared online in two parts in the new journal Spectre. Read it here: Part 1, Part 2.

May 2020

  • Professor of Philosophy Phil Hopkins was selected to serve as an outside consultant on the training audit review panel as part of the Austin Police Department (APD) evaluation mandated by recent Austin City Council Resolution 66, which set up an investigation into bias and bigotry within the APD.