Designing Rubrics

Further Resources and Model Rubrics

Introductory paragraph.

Models of Rubrics from Southwestern Professors:

Rubric for a longer paper  from  Dr. Juhl’s Theatre Capstone

Rubric for a short argument paper  from Dr. Burks’s Biodiversity Class

Rubric for a foreign language paper  from Dr. Ross’s Spanish Class

Further Resources & Models Online:

The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education  has an extensive list of rubrics organized by assignment type.

The American Association of Colleges and Universities  has developed 16 rubrics to evaluate skills like information literacy and critical thinking.

The Center for Faculty Development at The University of Colorado, Denver  has an online tutorial on rubric development.

The Teaching Commons at DePaul University  has links to several different rubrics and to online programs that will help design rubrics.

The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation  at Carnegie Mellon University has links to several sample rubrics.

The Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University  has links to grading criteria and tips for determining criteria.

Writing Across the Curriculum at Ohio State University  has helpful tips for responding to student work.