Academic Success


If you are having difficulty in class, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Students from all departments are encouraged to talk to their professors if they are in need of assistance. Seek help by talking to your professors during their office hours or by appointment.


The following departments also have FREE tutoring available:

Fall 2023

Economics and Business

Course: Fundamentals of Accounting BUS30-114
Tutor: Kate Dudley (
Time: M/W from 5-7pm and by appointment
Location: SLC (library) 114

Course: Quantitative Methods in Business BUS30-154
Tutor: Jackson Dehaven (
Time: Mondays 6-8pm and Thursdays 8-10pm
Location: PRC 244

Course: Intermediate Accounting BUS30-204
Tutor: Antoni Diaz (
Time: M/W from 5-6pm, T/Th from 4-6pm, and by appointment on Fridays
Location: SLC (library) 223

Course: Finance BUS30-474
Tutor: Isabel Montelongo (
Time: Tuesdays 5-7pm, Thursday 9-11am, and by appointment for virtual sessions on Fridays before noon.
Location: FWO 302

Course: Principles of Economics ECO31-104
Tutor: Kate Dudley (
Time: MW 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: SLC 114

Course: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ECO31-224
Tutor: Matthew Peesker (
Time: MW 7:00-8:00 pm
Location: SLC 115

Course: Econometrics ECO31-314
Tutor: Jackson Dehaven (
Time: Mondays 6-8pm and Thursdays 8-10pm
Location: PRC 244


General Chemistry I

SCI Guides (handout-based and structured)

Tutoring (drop-in)


For Human Structure and Function (KIN48-123-01/02) and Structural Kinesiology (KIN48-121-01/02) we have three designated TAs. The TAs will hold both exam and lab practical review sessions before each assessment. Dates, times, and locations for these will be regularly updated on the course Moodle sites. Students are also encouraged to reach out to the TAs for additional tutoring as needed.

Exam and Practical Reviews with…
Miranda Farrar -
Ethan Williams -

Tony Ontiveros is on the SU football team and will be holding special late-night review sessions for football players and other athletes with conflicts during the scheduled review sessions. Email Tony for information.
Tony Ontiveros -

Math and Computer Science

All in FJS 310, 7-9 pm




Intro Statistics - all sections

(all tutors know R)

Eliana Solis

Olivia Johnson

Eliana Solis

Olivia Johnson

Christopher Garza

Modern Calculus 1 - all sections

(David knows R)

David Salvania

Tanner Klein

David Salvania

Explorations in Computing


Jayden Beauchea


Computer Science I


Jayden Beauchea

Marcus Leese


Principles of Psychology
Ashten Wheeler, available by appointment only ( In the Library Cafe (first floor)

Fundamental of Physics I 
Benjamin McKallip - Sundays 7 - 9 pm, FJS 100




Owen Steinle - Mondays and Wednesdays 5 - 6:30 pm, Olin 125

Elisa Dierksmeier - Mondays and Wednesdays 12 - 1:30 pm, Olin 125

More tutoring hours will be posted soon!Stay tuned! 

For all other courses and departments, see your professor during office hours or reach out via email.


Don’t see the tutoring you are looking for? Please click here to let us know what services you need. 

If you would like to hire a Southwestern student as a tutor, you can register as an employer on HireSU and post the position to our online job board.  
Email with questions.