Services for Students with Disabilities

Possible Accommodations

Once it is determined that a student is eligible, the Associate Director of Academic Success will work with the student to determine what package of accommodations best fits the student’s needs. Accommodations are always determined on an individual, case-by-case basis.

  • Academic accommodations are provided to alleviate barriers encountered in the classroom and cannot be applied retroactively. Accommodations are determined based upon the interactive process with the student and provided medical documentation. Please be aware that the process can take time, so apply as early as possible. 

  • Students may qualify for housing and dining accommodations based on the functional limitations of a documented disability. The Center for Academic Success (CAS), Residence Life, and Dining Services work collaboratively to provide appropriate accommodations for students who are eligible to live on campus. Residence Life assigns rooms based on availability.

    Key things to know:

    • Students must complete a housing contract during the contracting period for each semester that they intend to live on campus, as published by Residence Life.
    • Students do not need to reapply for an approved housing accommodation (with the exception of Emotional Support Animals) but must have a valid housing contract on file to receive housing accommodations through the Center for Academic Success.
    • Housing accommodations are only applicable for those terms in which a student has a complete housing contract.
    • Housing accommodations do not guarantee a specific hall or a specific room. Barriers to access can be addressed in any housing setting on campus.

    The student’s room assignment may change from year to year. The CAS has no influence on a specific room or residence hall assignment and cannot assist students with questions or concerns about a student’s room assignment and/or their housing contract. For questions or concerns about room assignments, students should contact the Office of Residence Life, as they can assist students with these matters. Students must follow all contractual obligations established by Residence Life regardless of their disability.

    Housing Accommodation Applications:

    Housing accommodations are based on a barrier to access caused by a documented disability. Please see the following links to applicable forms:

    Students should submit completed documentation on or before the below dates for the appropriate semester that the student will first move into on-campus housing (fall semester).

    • July 1

    For all returning students (second year and above), please make sure that all housing accommodation requests are placed as soon as possible. In order to give the Office of Residence Life time to get students placed in appropriate assigned housing, we will temporarily halt all accommodation requests during the following dates.

    • February 1- March 31
    • July 1- August 31

    All housing accommodation requests will be handled on a first come, first served basis in accordance with the dates listed above. If a student has a new disability that requires immediate assistance, the student should contact the Associate Director of Academic Success at