Academic Success

Captain’s Academy

Creating First-Generation Community through
Social and Academic Opportunities


Incoming first-year and transfer students who identify as first-generation

(meaning neither parent has received a Bachelor’s Degree)


Academic Support

  • Academic Sessions to help improve academic skills, create awareness
    of campus functionings and resources, and create a forum for sharing
    experiences and supporting one another

Social Opportunities

  •  Weekly events to promote connections and allow for you
    to have a social outlet
  • Pairing with a student mentor who will help you navigate life at SU


Captain’s Academy participants have an overall higher GPA and retention
rate compared to first-generation students who do not participate in
Captain’s Academy


Join Captain’s Academy TODAY! Stop by the Center for Academic Success in Prothro 120 or complete this form: 


Community support, graduation cord upon completion of the program,
participating in a drawing for one of two $250 book scholarships (75%
participation required), t-shirt, water bottle, swag, free food, higher
academic success and knowledge