

The Music department is housed in the Sarofim School of Fine Arts Building.

The Sarofim School of Fine Arts, named for arts benefactor Fayez Sarofim of Houston, is housed in the Alma Thomas Fine Arts Center, erected in 1956 and the gift of the late Mrs. Alma Thomas of Austin, a longtime trustee of the University. The three-story building contains two theaters, the 720-seat Alma Thomas Theater and the 320-seat Jones Theater, which was made possible by a grant from Houston Endowment Inc., and is named for Jesse H. Jones and Mary Gibbs Jones. It also includes recently renovated rehearsal halls, practice rooms and faculty and administrative offices for the Department of Music.

Renovated Alma Thomas Theater

A gift from Mr. Sarofim enabled the University to completely renovate the Alma Thomas Theater, installing an orchestra pit, acoustic shell, and up-to-date lighting and rigging. Completed and dedicated in 2008, giving Southwestern University as fine a performing arts facility as any liberal arts college in the country.

The University owns more than a dozen grand and thirty upright pianos, most of which are available for student use and practice. In addition, a collection of orchestral instruments is available for student use with the approval of the appropriate ensemble director or instructor.