

To meet the requirements of the MOSAIC program, students are expected to fulfill several key components. These requirements aim to ensure comprehensive involvement and diverse learning opportunities.

  • Attend Sprog, either in-person or e-Sprog, and Welcome Week
  • Complete 12 experiences each year, consisting of 2 experiences in each MOSAIC category (see experience options):
    • 2 Membership experiences
    • 2 Opportunity experiences
    • 2 Self-Awareness experiences
    • 2 Adventure experiences
    • 2 Inclusion experiences
    • 2 Community experiences
  • Complete semesterly personal reflections (4 total)
  • Make Your MOSAIC (creative project) and present at the MOSAIC Symposium at the end of your two-year experience


To opt-in to MOSAIC, join our Google Classroom and complete the intake form.