Office of Marketing & Communications

Style & Writing Guide


Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications

An important part of our strategic vision has been to build brand and marketing capabilities throughout the University in order to create a stronger connection with current and potential students, parents, influencers, alumni, donors and friends. Having a well-defined brand is essential to this effort. One of the ways we can continue to build and protect our brand is by using the Southwestern University name, our logo system, and other visual assets correctly and consistently.

This Style Guide serves as a tool for maintaining the integrity of the Southwestern University brand. It is available to anyone and is to be used by those both in and out of the Southwestern community.  Anyone who generate materials and content on behalf of the University including administrators, faculty, employees, suppliers, and partners­, are responsible for complying with its standards. 

Brand Strategy

But our brand is much more than logos, colors, trademarks, and business card formats. The Southwestern University brand is the product of many different factors that together help create an impression of our University. It’s the way that people think, feel, and respond when they hear the word “Southwestern University.” Here too we must act and perform in a way that is consistent with that image, or risk eroding our brand equity.

For this we have created the SU Brand Guidelines. It differs from the Style Guide in that it is accessible only to those within the Southwestern Community. As our Brand and Marketing “playbook” it is important that it remain confidential. Your personal password is all you need to gain access to the SU Brand Guidelines at

Everyone within the Southwestern community is a brand ambassador and every contact is an opportunity either to strengthen or weaken the Southwestern University brand.

The Style Guide and SU Brand Guidelines will be updated on an as-needed basis as our Southwestern University brand evolves and develops.

If you have any questions on how to implement these guidelines, please see the Southwestern University Office of Marketing & Communications. 

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Writing Guide