Finding Aids

Hertzog, Carl -- Collection of Texas Boundaries

Manuscript Collection Number:
Hertzog, Carl; 1902-1984
Carl Hertzog Collection of Texas Boundaries
Data Span:
c. 1946-1966
0.21 linear feet

Processed by: Jason Dean and Anne Sorenson
Date Processed: May, 2018

  • In the 1950s Carl Hertzog, a celebrated typographer, book designer, and printer out of El Paso collaborated with illustrator José Cisneros to create a twelve-part series that depicted some of the boundary disputes throughout Texas history that eventually defined the state’s borders. They did so at the request of Texas Attorney General Will Wilson. Although the publication got to the stage of having illustrations and a typescript, it appears it was never published.


    In early phases of discussion, the work was called “Texas Boundaries Stories.” However, based on some of Cisneros illustrations, it was intended to be titled “Battle Border: Little known facts about Texas boundaries” with an additional subtitle saying “A public service of the Texas Attorney General’s office.” Will Wilson did not seek another term as Attorney General after 1962, perhaps part of the reason that the book was never published.

  • This collection consists of some early sample pages for Texas Boundaries, letters between Hertzog, Cisneros, and the Attorney General’s office, as well as some suggested illustrative ideas. The bulk of the collection is the twelve-part typescript complete with offprints of illustrations by Cisneros.

  • Box.Folder

    1.1 Yellow cover for “Spanish Heritage of the Southwest” with Hertzog’s notes. Circa 1952.

    1.2 Uncut “King Ranch” Signature. Circa 1957.

    1.3 Sample pages from “Texas Boundary Stories.” Date unknown

    1.4 Letter from Hertzog to Sue Flanagan. 1959, September 14

    1.5 Letter from José Cisneros to Sue Flanagan. 1959, September 20

    1.6 Offprint from Cisneros with Hertzog’s notes. Date unknown

    1.7 Illustration by Harold Bugbee from “Some Southwestern Trails” with notes from Hertzog. Date unknown

    1.8 Drawing of Doniphan by Cisneros with notes from Hertzog. Date Unknown

    1.9 Drawing of Oñato by Cisneros with notes from Hertzog. After 1946

    1.10 Two offprints of illustrations by Cisneros

    1.11 “Part I” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    1.12 “Part II” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    1.13 “Part III” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    1.14 “Part IV” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.15 “Part V” of typescript with edits from Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.16 “Part VI” of typescript with edits from Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.17 “Part VII” of typescript with edits from Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.18 “Part VIII” of typescript with edits from Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.19 “Part IX” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.20 “Part X” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.21 “Part XI” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.22 “Part XII” of typescript with edits by Hertzog. Date unknown

    Offprint of illustration by Cisneros


    1.23 Newspaper clippings of Cisneros illustrations. 1959, October 11

    1.24 Offprints of illustrations by Cisneros for “Battle Borders”. Circa 1966