Finding Aids

Ullrich, Oscar A. Papers

Manuscript Collection Number:
Ullrich, Oscar [circa 1891-1974?]
Oscar A. Ullrich Papers
Data Span:
n.d. 1917-1921, 1926-1967, 1970, 2003
1 Linear Foot

Processed by: Johle, Sheran
Date Processed: Spring 2009

  • Oscar A. Ullrich began his 45 year career with southwestern University in 1920 as a professor in the Education department, later head of the Psychology Department. In 1926, after the resignation of Dean Charles Wunder, he was named Dean of the Faculty, a position he held for 38 years. Dr. Ullrich retired from the position of Dean in 1958, but continued to teach in the Education Department. He was asked to serve, again, as Dean from 1961-1962.

    Dr. Ullrich was nationally known in the field of education and was an active member of groups such as the American Psychological Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Educators Association, Texas State Teachers Association, Scholia, Phi Delta Kappa, the Lions Club among many others. He was active in church and civic organizations, helping to form the Georgetown United Fund and Lone Star Girl Scout Council.

  • This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, speeches, articles, programs, and news clippings. The papers were received in no particular order and were sorted into subject groups within document cases.

    One item of interest is a book containing minutes for the Faculty Women’s Forum that was in the possession of Otha Horger Ullrich, a member of the group. There is one folder of material related to Dean Ullrich’s work toward Southwestern faculty paying into the Social Security system.

    The largest group of files consists of correspondence with alumni, faculty, University presidents, trustees and others involved in Dean Ullrich’s many interests. One folder contains correspondence with Representative Lyndon B. Johnson regarding the proposed Georgetown Airport and other business before Congress. Another folder contains correspondence with John C. Granbery, some personal and some dealing with his firing from the university.

    Dean Ullrich served during the Depression years when the university suffered financial hardship. At one point, the faculty members were asked to take on student loans to collect in lieu of salaries. There are some papers in this collection that deal with the loans the Dean was collecting. There is also material related to the Wiess gift that cleared university indebtedness and laid the foundation for the endowment fund.

    The folder O.A. Ullrich-Personal has a letter from Lyndon Johnson discussing his desire to stay out of the war in Europe, a completed questionnaire regarding the SU Honor System, humorous poems about the Dean, a copy of a speech given the day President Kennedy was shot, the Dean’s answer to a faculty member’s letter of grievance, President Finch’s letter of resignation to the Dean, letters of recommendation, and news clippings.

    There are programs and invitations from various Southwestern activities as well as some from dean Ullrich’s many other organizational activities.

    A subsequent gift of the Dean’s files contained several Reports to the President and Reports to the Board of Trustees from the mid-1930s to the early 1940s that were unique to the Archives. This group of files also held an open letter to the Community Chest, which later became the United Fund, and a report on the Georgetown Girl Scout Council as it related to the Community Chest. One copy of People’s Lobby Bulletin from July, 1941 focused on Fascism and the American desire to stay out of the war in Europe. There is a proposal written by Robert Lancaster in the early 1970s pertaining to the Georgetown IMPACT I Plan (Improved Municipality through Planning Agency Council of Texas) to bring together arts, crafts and trades in an effort to foster learning within the community.

  • Box and Folder
         Correspondence: Board of Trustees
         (incoming and outgoing)
         n.d., 1938, 1958, 1962

         Regarding: university finances and faculty issues (Dr. C. C. Cody, Jr., Ullrich, Robert Lester, Garson McGuire), student issues; “To The Board of Trustees, Through Proper Channels”–cover letter with revised schedules for Thrift and Waggoner; 

         Faculty Letter to President Vivion
         May 14, 1935

         Letter discusses insolvency of SU and loss of professors, necessary budgeting changes, and faculty retirement plan. Signed by Dean O. A. Ullrich, endorsed by R. W. Tinsley, Herbert. L. Gray, J. C. Godbey, M. L. Williams, W. C. Vaden.

         Correspondence, Wiess Gift
         March 15, 1937

         Letter from C. C. Cody, Jr. with Ullrich reply, Copy of President John Bergin letter to Board of Trustees

         [Memoranda to President elect J. N. R. Score]

         Re: temporary faculty that could be let go, President’s attendance at Faculty meetings, effectiveness of the faculty

         n.d., c.1920s, 1937-1944, 1949, 1962

         Newspaper clipping: “College Spirit–Is it Dead?”, new release “Ex-Students’ Scholarship winners” signed petiton re: anonymous letter, request for Dean to prepare chapter 10 of “study of Relationships between Institutions of Higher Education and Public Schools”
         Letter to President Score titled “Pleasantries” 
         letters from George Hester in Washington, DC while working for Federal Power Commission
         letters from: Jessie Daniel Ames, Dorothy Mood, Dr. Carol Atkinson, J. N. R. Score (refering to “Pleasantries”), H. L. Gray, May Catt Granbery 
         (Mrs. John C.) re: resignation as Supervisor of Women, Paul Davidson
         Tribute to Turner Van Hoose (“Professor of Broomology and Dustine Physics” in Administration [Cullen] Bulding)
         memo re: organization of Georgetown Public Forum
         Memos to Pres. Bergin re: Citizen’s League

         O. W. Cardwell Correspondence
         July, Aug. 1928

         Cover letter to Dean Ullrich asking him to circulate the July 14th letter to the Executive Committee; concerns moral laxity, the necessity of reinstating rules for the student body and chaperones for women and dating couples

         [Correspondence: Faculty, Presidents]
         n.d., 1920, 1930, 1934, 1935, 1958, 1962

         Correspondence with: retired President Finch, Laura Kuykendall, George Hester, Pres, King Vivion, Blinn College, W. W. Jackson, C. M Bishop

         [Correspondence: John C. Granbery]
         1934, 1936-38

         Letters recommending individuals for Honorary Degree, questioning insurance and status as part of the faculty, teaching assistants, letters from others regarding academic freedom and Dr. Granbery’s dismissal from SU; Letter to Laura Kuykendall from John C. Granbery

         [Correspondence: Lyndon B. Johnson]
         n.d., 1942-44
         Regarding education, Georgetown Airport, recommendations for Officer’s Candidate School

         Dean’s Office Letters
         n.d., 1924, 1928, 1934-35,1938-1942, 1946-47, 1956, 1958, 1962, 1966

         Card from “The Landrum’s”; correspondence re: criteria for promoting faculty, conference of academic deans, Honor Council, plans for summer “institutes”, letters of recommendation, Conference of College Presidents, psychological experiments, summer teaching, from alumni/former SU professors (Pvt. Theophil G. Everhard, Mabel Quebedeaux, William Godbey, Elizabeth Cotton, Dorothy Mood, Charles Wunder); Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (SACS) copies of stories sent to Williamson County Sun.

         1949 letter regarding recommendations of Honor council
         draft of letter of repremand to students drinking on “Senior Day”
         postcard of cell in Heidelberg student prison
         J. N. R. Score Inauguration “Order of Proceedure” (map of area around flag pole and location for all attendees); 
         “The Functions of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of Southwestern University”
         letter from “Mother” Chreitzberg re: Rutersville College and Soule University
         Letter from Mary Ann Ullrich’s Tri-Delta “big sister” Nonnie Hutcherson to Dean Ullrich;
         packet of correspondence related to student accounts taken by Dean Ullrich in lieu of salary payment in the 1930s
         Request of Librarian Margaret McKennon to extend her stay in California to study libraries for input into the construction of Cody Memorial Library; 
         correspondence with J. H. Cornyn (Ullrich’s UT room mate) in Mexico City re: teaching positions in Mexico
         Summary of activities at Sewanee SACS work conference;
         1939 correspondence regarding a trip to Germany to study conditions in the country and their relations with other nations

         Miscellaneous Correspondence
         1939, 1940, 1944-46, 1962, 1967, 1971

         Correspondence from: J. N. R. Score, J. J. Pickle, Marjorie Beech, John H. Utley (writing about teaching languages at West Point), W. P. Webb, United Brewers Industrial Foundation; 
         Subjects: summer leave, summer teaching in other institutions, prayer in schools, pari-mutual betting, liquor by the drink, Godbey-Ullrich Thingamajig Shoppe, 1st Methodist Church finance committee; correspondence between Dean Ullrich and Harry Oberholser re: publishing “Bird Life of Texas”; 
         bus fund; 
         correspondence with Stanford Reed and Anne Marie Doering

         Speeches, Writings related to Education
         n.d., 1926, 1929, 1932-36, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1949, 1952, 1962_ 

         Supervision of Social Life of Students; 
         “Dean’s Advice to Students”
         Why College Students Fail; 
         Southwestern University Calls regarding financing of Methodist colleges (Blinn Memorial mentioned); notes on pages from SU catalog regarding classes and responsibilities (Dean, students, faculty);
         Higher Education in Texas and Its Suport (handwritten note: Delivered in Dallas Mar. 18, 1932 to Presidents of Texas Colleges);

         Talks About Teachers (handwritten notes and corrections on speech pages); 
         A Teaching Corporation (Austin May 14, 1934); 
         About Talks to Teachers: with special reference to Teachers of Texas (lectures give at UT July 1 & 2); Talks about Teachers: — — and art in teaching is Success (handwritten, n.d. or location); 
         various typed and handwritten notes and sections ? of speeches; 
         page 2 - page 7 of Psychology 331 test; 
         “What is a Christian College? as viewed by the Steering Committee; 
         “The Ups and Downs of Higher Education” ; 
         “College Education After the War”; 
         “The Problem of Equipment and Materials for a Department of Psychology in a Small Liberal Arts College”; 
         ” Individual Instruction in College”
         “The Roots of the college of Liberal Arts and Sciences”
         “Academic Freedom”; 
         “Social Security for Teachers”; 
         address delivered to the ex-students and friends of Southwestern University; 
         “The Schoolmaster in the Role of Mars”; 
         “Reforms in College Education”; 
         “Swapping Academic Labels”; 
         “Southwestern University Students Find Jobs”; 
         “Southwestern University Calls”
         summary of Judge D. B. Wood address; “Dean’s Advice to Students”;
         “Discuss [sic] of Dean Ivey F. Lewis’ paper on ‘Good Teaching and how to Promote It’”; 
         “Can the Social Sciences Overtake the Natural Sciences?”; 
         “Personnel Problems in Church Related Colleges”; 
         “Democracy versus Dictatorship”; 
         “The Type of Teacher Best Suited for a Church Related College of Arts and Sciences”; 
         “The Adolescence of Social Science”

         Notes, Writings not related to Education
         n.d., 1932

         Summary of Judge D. B. Wood address;
         Tribute to John campbell Godbey;
         “In Quest of Happiness”
         “How to Improve the Mind”
         “The Road to a Moral Life”
         at annual dinner for students on Distinction List; 
         Arnold Romberg: “Make-Believe in Political Philosophy”;
         LaVerne Rydell: “An Original Poem”
         “At Home with a Swiss Farmer”, “How the Swiss Spend Their Leisure Time”;
         “We The People”
         “The Need for Thoroughness”
         “Germany for the Germans”, “Germany at the Crossroads”, “Germany Since the World War”;
         “Psychological Problems in Winning the Peace”
         “Democracy versus Dictatorship”
         letter from editor of Madisonville Meteor regarding article submitted for publication

         Social Security
         1951, 1954, 1955

         Faculty request for the University ot begin paying into SS (Old Age and Survivors Benefits), SS brochures; article? “Social Security for Teachers” by Dean Ullrich

         O. A. Ullrich Personal 1956-1957
         n.d., 1918-20, 1921, 1926-1930, 1934, 1939-41, 1943, 1945, 1948-49, 1954-57, 1961-66

         Resolution for Wilfrid Hardy Callcott Distinguished Alumni Dr. Lit., card from May Day flower basket, newspaper clipping, news release
         Letter from Representative Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) re: neutrality in war; 
         from Adm. Chester Nimitz
         Questionaire re: Honor System, clippings re: honor system
         greetings and thank-you cards, birthday letters, poem “Ode to Thy Pipe”
         Letter to students re: desire to “seek our and cause to be expelled” “Undesirable Elements”;
         Message to Seniors
         List of pet peeves, 
         “What is a Boy?”
         handwritten paper “Man’s Image of God”; 
         paper “Some Needed Reforms in our Public Schools”;
          speech “Efective Teaching” given at Huston-Tillitson
         memo from Dr. Fleming, letter to Prof. Girvin, letter from Justice John Sharp Correspondence re: Dean’s retirement, investments
         Letter from William C. Finch re: his resignation and new position at Vanderbilt University;
         letter from Pres. King Vivion, former professor W. D. Wentz; President Bishop
         appreciation page from Southwestern Magazine
         letter of thanks from “Ina Beth” re: SU professors
         Programs: Faculty Club, brochure “University-wide Campaign for Christian Living at Southwestern”
         copy of letter from John C. Granbery to Laura Kuykendall re: position on SU faculty
         Correspondence regarding his UT diploma and summer teaching at UT
         pay check stubs, tour iterary for Britan/Scotland, 
         Personal recommendations from A. Caswell Ellis, Maj. Benjamin F. Pittenger, F. Eby
         Card from Anne Marie Doering stationed in Vietnam (discusses Siagon, people, living conditions 1962)
         Personal letters/notes from: Bill & Lucy Finch, Alma Thomas, Neely Landrum, Gene Germany, Polly Gould Cornick, Charles Arrowood
         Photo postcard with B&W photo of Administration [Cullen] Building 

         Ullrich Retirement
         n.d., 1964, 1969, 1970

         “Lenten Message” by Dr. Edmund Heinsohn; 
         brief biography; 
         news release re: retirement; 
         re: local unit of Retired Teachers Association;
         news clippings
         letter from I. J. McCook
         copy of “Back in the Saddle Again” card sent after ending one retirement
         Memo to Dean Burr Clifford “Random Thoughts”

         Biography, News clippings
         n.d., 1926, c. 1940, 1964, 1966, 1974

         Southwestern Gets Holiday After Prexy is Grid Hero, Mrs. Ullrich named “Our Worthy Citizen”;
         Dean Ullrich “D-Day”[Dean’s Day] Honoree, Mr. Homecoming, retirement, obituatries

         Cards, News Clippings

         Newsclipping re: Sale of W-K-M Company of Houston (income from sale for SU endowment);
         3 Christmas postcards designed and made by Dean Ullrich (1-Dean Ullrich smoking a pipe, smoke spells Merry Christmas; 1 Dean Ullrich in Santa suit perched on Administration Bldg. (Cullen Bldg.) tower; 1 Dean Ullrich as Santa tossing out As); Christmas Card with Dean Ullrich sitting in armchair by fireplace
         Invitation to annual birthday dinner for Godbey Sunday School Class

         Miscellaneous Publications
         n.d., 1926, 1930, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1966, 1967, 1970

         Thesis: An Experimental Study of the Effect on Learning of Sectioning College Classes on the Basis of Ability; 
         1941 SU Bulletin ser. 41, no. 2 “A View of College Life”; 
         Ex-Students’ Magazine [Bulletin of Southwestern University ser. 69-70, Aug. 1970] (article re: Ullrich 50th commencement); 
         reprint: “Deathbed confession” by Marten Ten Hoor, from Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review; 
         Photographs: 3 photographs Pigskin Revue: actors and actresses on stage with orchestra in front of stage (US flag hung on stage), bed full of Hitler copies with swastikas on bedspread, 4 men on stage with props and wardrobe crates; 
         photograph of orchestra, photograph of band with singers ?; 
         All photographs moved to Photograph: Archives folder: “Removed from Oscar A. Ullrich Papers”

         Programs: Georgetown Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet; 
         ’66 Homecoming program (Dean Ullrich named “Mr. Homecoming”); 
         Distinguished Alumni Award program (John G. Tower); 
         1967 in review (Megaphone); 
         Southwestern Magazine Jan. 1941 (vol. 59, no. 5) 
         Misc: “Atomic War or Peace” by Albert Einstein; 
         “The United Nations fight for the Four Freedoms, The Rights of All Men–Everywhere” from Office of War Information Washington, DC; 
         By-Laws of the Division of the Teaching of Psychology
         War gas ration cards

         n.d., 1930-1967

         Commencement/Baccalaureate programs (Georgetown, Mart, Jonah, Weatherford College, San Saba,
         Music Recitals, Junior Music Club, Pianists’ Club; plays, Mask & Wig
         Pirate Pagent, Pigskin Review
         W. Lee O’Daniel inauguration invitation
         Paramount Theatre program
         Deltagram, Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Delta Pi invitations
         program “Honoring President and Mrs. William Carrington Finch”
         letter: from Dr. Fleming, from J. D. Wheeler, to Dr. Claud Howard
         First Methodist Church, 47th Birthday Party of J. C. Godbey Sunday School Class
         National Society of College Teachers of Education; Tri-County Teachers Institute
         Robertson County Institute, State Institute on Professional Relations
         Conference on the Preparation of College Teachers
         Association of Texas Colleges
         Texas Council of Church-related Colleges
         Georgetown Chamber of Commerce banquet
         American Association for the Advancement of Science
         Bulletin of Southwestern University ser. 31, no. 4 May 1932 (pastor’s school)
         “The Fanfare” published by Southwestern University Band
         Ex-Students’ News [Bulletin of Southwestern University ser. 43, no. 4]
         UT class of 1917 reunion info (photograph moved to 21.2 in Photograph Archives)
         Rutersville College unveiling of historical marker with clippings, correcspondence

         Faculty Women’s Forum Minutes
         n.d., Feb. 1917- ca. Mar. 1922, 1940, 1941, 1957, 1961

         Faculty Women’s Forum Constitution, by-laws, and minutes (later bacame Faculty Dames Club)

         Removed from the Oscar A. Ullrich Papers
         n.d. [c. 1940s]

         3 photographs Pigskin Revue: actors and actresses on stage with orchestra in front of stage (US flag hung on stage), bed full of Hitler copies with swastikas on bedspread, 4 men on stage with props and wardrobe crates;
         photograph of orchestra, photograph of band with singers ?; 
         See Also: Oscar A. Ullrich Papers; 
         8 x 10 B&W George Hester, ?, Dean Ullrich, Dr. Godbey, Dr. Luksa, Coach Medley; 
         small snap shot of SU band on football field; 
         Administration [Cullen] Building with 1920s car on circular drive; 
         50th reunion photo of UT class of 1917
              Southwestern University: Photograph Archives