Finding Aids

Knaggs, John Papers

Manuscript Collection Number:
John Knaggs
John Knaggs Papers
Data Span:

Note: This collection is currently being processed. However, a general listing of the contents is made available here for the convenience of researchers.

  • Materials are those Knaggs used to write Two Party Texas (1986). Included are background materials such as campaign materials, voter surveys, notes, memos, Republican party items, correspondence, and photographs, as well as drafts and galleys of his work.

    The materials collected by Knaggs as part of his research also include a set of papers given to him by Marvin Collins and Jim Leonard. Collins was Director of the Dallas G.O.P, 1962 Director of the Texas G.O.P., and 1970 campaign manager for George Bush. Leonard was the campaign manager for Jack Cox in 1962, George Bush in 1964, and John Tower in 1966.

  • Box and Folder
    Supplied dates (in brackets on original folders) are based on a quick survey of contents and are by no means definitive.
    1.1 Unfoldered, 1971,1988
    1.2 Unfoldered, copies of newspapers articles, 1971, 1973, 1980
    1.3 1973-1974
    1.4 Maurice-Senate Campaign June-July 1973
    1.5 Right To Work-Granberry 1974
    1.6 The Two-Party Democrats, The Study of a Texas Political Faction-Thesis, 1970 (Hawkins Henley Menefee, Jr.)
    1.7 Rebuilders, 1968
    1.8 1982 General Election-John Knaggs
    1.9 Two-Party Paper, 1952-82 (The Emergence of Two Party Competition in Texas 1952-1982 David T. Wilkie)
    1.10 HSK file, 1984
    1.11 Must Pix P-Book (Photos)
    1.12 Press Kit, 1971
    1.13 Photos of Tower Family and others
    1.14 Directory-Republican Party of Texas, 1965
    1.15 Unfoldered, THE REPUBLICAN BANDWAGON, etc., 1968
    1.16 Kraft, John F., Inc. Correspondence, 1965-66
    1.17 Campaign 66: Waggoner Carr
    1.18 Campaign 66: John Connally
    1.19 Campaign 66: Lyndon B. Johnson
    1.20 Unfoldered, 1964, 1965
    1.21 Unfoldered, 1964
    1.22 Unfoldered, 1961-1964
    1.23 LIFE, November 1, 1963

    2.1 Unfoldered—THE REPUBLICAN, etc., 1968
    2.2 Unfoldered, 1968
    2.3 Photos, 1968
    2.4 Photos, 1968
    2.5 Two Party Texas—Drafts, chapters I-VI, no date
    2.6 P-Book Spare Parts, no date
    2.7 Political Book-Front and Back, 1985
    2.8 Epilogue, 1985
    2.9 Two Party Texas—Drafts, chapters VII-XI;XV,n.d.
    2.10 Two Party Texas—Drafts, chapters X-XV, no date
    2.11 Pantaze Prints, 1968
    2.12 Pantaze Prints, 1968
    2.13 Two Party Texas—Drafts, chapters XII-XIV, 1985
    2.14 Two Party Texas—Drafts, no date
    2.15 Envelope—empty
    2.16 Political Book Project—Spare Parts, Aug 1985
    2.17 Two Party Texas—New Copy, chapter VI
    2.18 Unfoldered, 1968, 1986
    2.19 Unfoldered, 1968
    2.20 Ray Gabler, 1968
    2.21 Unfoldered, 1968
    2.22 Unfoldered, 1968
    2.23 Paul Eggers, 1968
    2.24 Unfoldered, 1968

    3.0 Drafts/galleys for Two Party Texas. Some background materials. 1970s-80s
    3.1 General—Spencer-Roberts, no date
    3.2 Unfoldered, 1980-1983
    3.3 Unfoldered, 1965-1985
    3.4 Unfoldered, 1972,1977-78,1985
    3.5 Unfoldered—Misc., no date,1967,1985-86
    3.6 Ad Agencies, 1978
    3.7 Unfoldered, 1978
    3.8 Candidates Directory, 1978
    3.9 Notebook—Press Info. from U.S. Senator John Tower, 1972
    3.10 Envelope—Knaggs Work; Two Party Texas; galleys, no date 
    3.11 Envelope—Two Party; galleys, no date
    3.12 Envelope—Two Party; galleys, no date
    3.13 Envelope—Two Party; galleys, no date
    3.14 Two Party Texas—Drafts, no date
    3.15 Two Party Texas—Drafts, no date
    3.16 Two Party Texas—Drafts; galleys, no date
    3.17 Active:Eakin Press;Two Party Texas, Chaps 1-7, no date
    3.18 Two Party Texas—Drafts
    3.19 Prelim. Overview of Statewide Survey of Political Attitudes, 1978
    3.20 Photos
    3.21 Photos
    3.22 Current Campaign Lit., 1978
    3.23 Lilla T., 1978, 1985

    4.0 Notes, background materials (correspondence, clippings, 1978 Texas political attitudes survey, etc.) 1971-72, 1976, 1977-78
    4.1 PC, 1971-72
    4.2 Political Attitudes in State of Texas: Prelim. Computer Overview, 1978
    4.3 Survey of Voter Attitudes in Texas, 1978 4.Bound Volume—Articles on 
    4.4 Gubernatorial/ Senatorial Campaigns in Texas, 1978
    4.5 Unfoldered, 1978
    4.6 Tower-Krueger Charges Exchanged, 1977-78
    4.7 Campaign Materials, 1976
    4.8 Unfoldered—Ford, A.R.T., Confidential Memos, 1975-76
    4.9 ART, 1976
    4.10 Unfoldered, 1975-76
    4.11 First Draft, 1972
    4.12 Tower, 1977
    4.13 Unfoldered, 1972,1978
    4.14 JGT Primary, 1978
    4.15 For Moulder, 1978
    4.16 Goodman. 1978
    4.17 Campaigns in Texas, 1970

    5.1 Tower; Hot File, 1978
    5.2 Unfoldered, 1978
    5.3 Unfoldered, 1978
    5.4 Political Attitudes; Computer Overview, Oct. 12-15, 1978
    5.5 Unfoldered, 1977-78

    6.1 Report-Telephone Survey, 1972 (Louis, Bowles and Grace, Inc., Dallas)
    6.2 Mike Richards—District 7, 1980
    6.3 John Leedom—District 16, 1980
    6.4 Buster Brown—District 17, 1980
    6.5 Buster Brown—Memoirs-Media, 1980
    6.6 State GOP, 1980
    6.7 ART, 1980
    6.8 Senate General, 1980
    6.9 XGR-1980-ART
    6.10 Jay Brummett—District 22, 1980
    6.11 Rick Parker—District 15, 1980
    6.12 Bob Price—District 31, 1980
    6.13 John Carter—District 36, 1980
    6.14 ART Post-Election 1980
    6.15 Reagan-Bush, 1980
    6.16 ART Hill Country Special, 1979
    6.17 Dee Travis—District 9, 1980
    6.18 Voter Attitudes in Selected Districts Nov-Dec 1979
    6.19 A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Texas Fifteenth State Senate District, July 1980
    6.20 A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Texas Seventeenth State Senate District, Oct. 1980
    6.21 Unfoldered, Notes, 1980

    7.1 Post- Election; incl. stats, 1978
    7.2 Unfoldered, 1978-81
    7.3 Notebook—Knaggs XGRI (Senate) Data, 1980
    7.4 Unfoldered, 1979-80
    7.5 Senate Report; ART, 1980
    7.6 Campaign Brochure—Texas Inaugural, 1979
    7.7 VIP Material; Chapter 14, 1981-82
    7.8 Misc. XGR, 1970
    7.9 Unfoldered—Eggers, 1970
    7.10 Eggers; News Releases, 1970
    7.11 Unfoldered—Eggers, 1970
    7.12 Eggers; Copy, 1970
    7.13 Unfoldered—Eggers, 1970
    7.14 Eggers, 1970
    7.15 Rebuilding—Releases, 1970
    7.16 Unfoldered—Candidates, 1970
    7.17 Unfoldered, 1970
    7.18 House District 149, 1972
    7.19 Unfoldered, 1970

    8.1 Clippings—Democratic Party, 1970
    8.2 Unfoldered, 1970
    8.3 Unfoldered, 1970
    8.4 Bentsen, Lloyd, 1970
    8.5 Unfoldered, 1970, 1972
    8.6 Tower; Political, 1972
    8.7 Misc., 1985, 1988

    9.1 Bush—Bulletin, 1964
    9.2 Study—Attitudes of Voters in Harris County, 1966
    9.3 Notebook—State Republican Executive Committee Meeting, 1967
    9.4 Notebook—Texas Republican’s Directory, 1967
    9.5 Notebook—Former Party Officials, 1967
    9.6 Clients—Angly,Maurice; Clippings—Runoff, 1967
    9.7 Unfoldered, 1967
    9.8 Unfoldered, 1967
    9.9 Tower, 1971
    9.10 Nola Smith; corres., 1971
    9.11 Dick Agnich; corres., 1971
    9.12 Clippings—Republican Campaigns, 1971
    9.13 Decade of Service Dinner, 1971
    9.14 J.G.T., 1972
    9.15 Unfoldered, 1978
    9.16 Young Republicans Fed., 1978
    9.17 Unfoldered, 1978
    9.18 J.G.T.; News Release, 1978
    9.19 General Media, 1978
    9.20 Hank Grover, 1978
    9.21 J.G.T.; Announcement Tour, 1977-78
    9.22 J.G.T.; Defense, 1978
    9.23 Unfoldered, 1978
    9.24 J.G.T.; Economic Policy, 1978
    9.25 J.G.T.; Energy, 1978

    10.1 J.G.T.; Farm, 1978
    10.2 J.G.T.; General, 1978
    10.3 J.G.T.; Labor Law, 1977-78
    10.4 J.G.T.; Newsletter, 1978
    10.5 Mexican American, 1978
    10.6 Correspondence, 1973-78
    10.7 Hot File—Krueger, 1978-79
    10.8 Memos—Interoffice, 1978
    10.9 Other Printed News Sources, 1978
    10.10 Krueger, 1977-78
    10.11 Miscellaneous, no date,1978
    10.12 Tower; M-A Pending-Yardang, 1978
    10.13 Memos—Personal; JRK, 1978
    10.14 News Releases, 1978
    10.15 M-A Programs, 1978
    10.16 Newspaper Clippings, 1978

    11.1 Bush, 1962-68
    11.2 Clippings—George Bush
    11.3 Bush, 1970
    11.4 Bush Campaign Material, 1970
    11.5 Bush, 1970
    11.6 Bush Bandwagon Bulletin, 1970
    11.7 Campaign Newsletters—Bush, 1970
    11.8 Riots, 1969-70
    11.9 Bush, 1970
    11.10 Reagan-Bush (Tower), 1984
    11.11 Republican Campaigns, 1982-85
    11.12 Unfoldered, 1984-85
    11.13 Tower Releases, 1970
    11.14 Tower, 1983-84
    11.15 Gramm, 1984
    11.16 Eggers, 1970
    11.17 Clippings—Paul Eggers, 1970
    11.18 Hispanic Project, 1983-84
    11.19 Tower; Post-Election, 1984
    11.20 Tower Withdrawal, 1983

    12.21 Notebook—George Bush 1970 Senate Campaign Materials. (Also copies of Two Party Texas and The Bugles are Silent; 1 campaign brochure each for Phil Gramm and Jack Fields)

    13.1 Republican Convention, 1964
    13.2 George Romney For President, 1963
    13.3 Goldwater vs. Scranton, 1961, 1964
    13.4 Vice Presidency, 1964
    13.5 Goldwater, 1964
    13.6 Texas Republican Candidates, 1964
    13.7 Presidential Campaign, 1964
    13.8 Republican Convention, 1964
    13.9 Presidential Campaign, 1964
    13.10 Results, 1964
    13.11 Texas Republican Party, 1969
    13.12 Texas; Bush, 1969-70
    13.13 JGT Senate Campaign, 1972
    13.14 Tower Re-Election, 1970-72
    13.15 Texas Politics, 1973
    13.16 Unfoldered, 1973-74
    13.17 Elections; Final Tally, 1974
    13.18 Unfoldered, 1977-78

    14.1 Tower, 1977-78
    14.2 GOP Materials, 1981-82

    15.1 Unfoldered, 1965-66
    15.2 Unfoldered, 1965
    15.3 Unfoldered, 1966
    15.4 Unfoldered, 1966
    15.5 Unfoldered, 1966
    15.6 Unfoldered, 1966
    15.7 Clippings, 1966
    15.8 Senate Campaign, 1970
    15.9 Unfoldered, 1964-70
    15.10 Tower; Washington Reports, 1971
    15.11 Campaign Meetings, 1972
    15.12 Kraft, 1971-72
    15.13 Heller-Culberson, 1971-73
    15.14 Campaign Memos—Issues, 1972
    15.15 JGT Political, 1972
    15.16 Tower Campaign; Advertising, 1978
    15.17 Student Scrapbook; ’66 Election, 1966
    15.18 Memoranda—Personal/Confidential, 1965
    15.19 Tower; “Dear Fellow Texans”, 1966
    15.20 Reports/Studies, 1965-66
    15.21Photo—Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tower

    16.1 Misc. Campaign, 1966
    16.2 Tower, 1966
    16.3 Editorial Endorsement, 1965-66
    16.4 Campaign; State Issues, 1966
    16.5 Speech, 1966
    16.6 Post-Election Analysis, 1966
    16.7 Latin America; Misc. Campaign/Election, 1966, 1967, 1972 
    16.8 Copy—Brochures; News Related, 1965-66
    16.9 Campaign—Political Miscellany; Texas, 1966