Finding Aids

Allen, Martha Collection

Manuscript Collection Number:
Martha Allen
Martha Allen Collection
Data Span:
1946-1964; New Accession 1990-1999
8 Linear Feet

Processed by: Wagner, Megan
Date Processed: 11/2009

Processed by: Rodriguez, Rosalinda
Date Processed: 05/1998

  • Born in 1937, Martha Mitten Allen made her way to Texas, and attended Southern Methodist University. Dr. Allen graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in History. She continued at SMU, earning a Master’s degree in history in 1960. Later the same year, she arrived at Southwestern University as Dean of Women and part-time faculty member in history. After serving seven years as Dean of Women, she began teaching full-time and working on her Ph.D. In 1972, she earned her Ph.D. in history at the University of Texas at Austin. Continuing to teach at Southwestern, she served as the Chair of the American Studies Program, and Chair of the Division of the Humanities. During this time, she applied and was awarded an NEH Grant for the Humanities which was used in Humanities in Praxis—a freshman interdisciplinary program. In 1980, due to her excellence in teaching, she was awarded Outstanding Professor by Southwestern University.

    Dr. Allen also made significant contributions to the community of Georgetown, Texas. In the early 1980s she founded the Annual Quilt Show. With the success of the quilt show, she was motivated to found Handcrafts Unlimited where over 400 artisans produce handcrafts that are sold by local volunteers. She remained executive director of the non-profit consignment shop on Georgetown Square from its opening in 1983 to 1996. After collecting oral history interviews with students in her Texas History class, she helped edit Georgetown’s Yesteryears, Volumes I-IV from 1985-1987. She also served as President of the Heritage Society from 1987-1989. When she found out that Meals on Wheels was not able to deliver on Christmas, she organized the Community Christmas Dinner and helped coordinate it from 1987-1995. The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce honored her for all her contributions to the community by naming her Citizen of the Year in 1988.

    Another significant contribution of Allen’s to the Georgetown community was her research on The Negro Fine Arts School with Dr. Gregory Washington, the university’s Director of Multicultural Affairs. Dr. Washington’s research led him to discover the story of the Negro School of Fine Arts and its founder Iola Bowden Chambers. The Negro Fine Arts School began in 1946 at First Methodist Church in Georgetown, as a result of the ideas and volunteerism of several SU students and Iola Bowden, a music teacher at Southwestern. During a time of segregation, the Negro Fine Arts School taught young black students. The school continued instructing until 1966. In 1990, Washington and Allen organized a reunion for the Negro Fine Arts School’s students and volunteers who taught at the school. The reunion included a commemoration of Iola Bowden. When Washington decided to leave Southwestern he gave his research to Allen, which resulted in her writing the book, The Gracious Gift: The Negro Fine Arts School 1946-1966. Martha Allen’s book describes the founding of the school, the class curriculum and how Iola Bowden’s legacy is continued through the lives she touched. In 2005, Allen donated her research materials to Southwestern University. She was subsequently recognized by Williamson County and named Citizen of the Year in 1995. Dr. Allen retired from Southwestern University in September 1997, after serving 34 years.

    *With Contributions from: The Southwestern Quarterly; Fall 1997 and History Department

  • The Martha M. Allen Collection is a collection of the information acquired over 35 years of service at Southwestern University. The entire collection, which is divided into three series, contains information and papers collected from students and consists of 17 boxes with papers, pictures, newspaper clippings, bound books, audiocassettes and microcassettes.

    The Course Materials series, (box 1) contains a sampling of information collected from the courses Dr. Allen taught at Southwestern. The first portion of the series contains reports on the past, present, and future status of minorities at Southwestern. There is also information on Women’s Studies at Southwestern, from papers presented at conferences, to a printed program on the Women’s Studies films featured in the Fall of 1987. Another item in this series is a diary Dr. Allen kept, recording the process of the application for an NEH Grant which she was subsequently awarded. The grant was applied towards a course which was taught the following semester at Southwestern, entitled Humanities in Praxis. The Course Materials series includes a syllabus of this course. There is also some material from both an English History class and a Texas History class she taught.

    The Southwestern University/Georgetown series, (boxes 2-6, 8-18) provides a more general view of Southwestern. The series includes a study on the university’s self perception, an original musical about Southwestern that was written, produced, and performed by Southwestern’s Alumni, information regarding the University’s participation in the Texas Sesquicentennial in 1986, and the transcribed notes from interviews that Allen had with Drs. William Finch and Durwood Fleming, who were both former SU presidents. Lastly, there is a section on the city of Georgetown with studies of two urban projects: theUrban Renewal Program and the Main Street Project. The third through sixth boxes contain the transcripts of interviews and some reports that students wrote based on interviews conducted with the elderly of the community of Georgetown. These files were organized and arranged alphabetically, based on the subject’s last name. Also included, are audio cassettes of an interview with Dr. Fleming as well as interviews that Dr. Allen conducted with Mrs. Iola Bowden and others to find information regarding the Negro School of Fine Arts. There are also tapes of interviews conducted by students in Dr. Allen’s Texas History class which were subsequently used to produce a book for the Georgetown Heritage Society: Georgetown’s Yesteryears. These are tapes used to produce the transcripts in boxes three through six. Lastly, the series contains student papers from by Dr. Allen’s Texas History class of 1984. The subject matter in these papers had to do with Georgetown’s location and/or folklore. The papers (box 18) are based on interviews conducted by the students with members of the community who contributed their oral history. Although these interviews were conducted at the same time as those in boxes three through six, they gathered information on historical topics, rather than biographical topics such as those found in boxes three through six. There are no tapes on these interviews.

    The Miscellaneous Research Materials/ U.S. Bicentennial series (box 7) contains a variety of items used by Dr. Allen in writing her dissertation. It also contains information on a filmstrip entitled We the People, educational materials about the founding of the United States, and information regarding four specific pioneer/frontier women of the West.

    New Accession (1990-1999)

    This addition to the Martha M. Allen Collection comprises Dr. Allen’s research on Iola Bowden and the Negro Fine Arts School that resulted in the book, The Gracious Gift. The 19 folders in the collection include correspondences of Dr. Gregory Washington’s, his preliminary research that he eventually turned over to Dr. Allen, photography, programs from all of the school’s recitals, newspaper articles written about the school both during its time and after its closure, and personal artifacts of Mrs. Iola Bowden Chamber.

    This collection contains eight folders of photos, including class photos taken during the school’s time, as well as individual photos of attendees and photos of Iola Bowden. Many of the photos were used in Martha Allen’s book. Also within the collection are recital programs from major recitals. The new accession also contains information on Southwestern University’s first black student, Ernest Clark. Clark can be found in several of the recital programs in folder 13, which also includes a program for a tribute to given to Ernest L. Clark in February 1990. There are also two lists that give the names of every person who attended and taught at the school between 1947-1966. Many folders include articles from various media sources, including the Megaphone, that were written during the time of the school’s existence as well as some that were written later, and these give a perspective on the accomplishments of the school. Music books that were used within the school and were possessions of Iola Bowden’s are present as well.

  • 1.1 Southwestern University-Minorities at SU Papers and Conferences. 
    May 2-4, 1991; 1984-1985. 
    Mexican Americans in Texas History: A Conference at Institute of Texan Cultures; Memories of the Mexican Revolution by Michelle Espinosa; Across the Border by Scott Sandoval; Paying the Price: Leaving Property and Family in Mexico by Brian Krysewski; White Alright, Brown Stick Around, and Black Get Back a study realized during 1984-1985 by Mariano Diaz y Miranda; Black History: A Cooperative Course combining students from Huston-Tilotson College and Southwestern University; Southwestern University: Monolithic Cultural and Multicultural Then and Now by Gregory Washington; Early Hispanics at Southwestern University by Rebecca L Borjas. 

    1.2 Southwestern University-Women’s Studies Papers and Conferences. 
    Women in Texas History: A Conference at Thompson Conference Center; Reflections on Three Women by Maria Kruger; From Oppression to Feminism by Rebecca Borjas; From 1899 to Independence by Judith Manriquez; Fall 1984 Women’s Film Series. 

    1.3 Southwestern University Courses-Texas History. 
    Paper and audiocassette tape. 
    1975 (taped interview); 1983. 
    Letter from Rev. Richard Jackson donating the audiocassette of an interview conducted with Dr. W. W. Jackson; Letter of Reply and Acknowledgement of the audiocassette by librarian Charlaine Eicher; audiocassette of interview located in Box 8. 

    1.4 Southwestern University Courses-Humanities in Praxis. 
    Humanities in Praxis Course #129 Course Outline; NEH Grant Diary by Martha M. Allen. 

    1.5 Southwestern University Courses-English History. 
    Course syllabus/outline; An Outline of English History for the Course English History I 363 and English History II 364. 

    2.1 Laura Riggs. Southwestern University. 
    May 2, 1986. 
    University’s Self Perception 1876-1986: A study of its Catalogs and Yearbooks. 

    2.2 Southwestern University—The School that Was. 
    Musical ’64—Original musical written and performed by SU Alumni. 

    2.3 Southwestern University. 
    SU’s participation in Texas Sesquicentennial; Handbook of Texas Authors and SU students. 

    2.4 Southwestern University—Interview with Dr. William Finch. 
    Interview conducted by Martha M. Allen on 8-10-92 and 8-16-92; Tapes from the interviews and used to transcribe notes are in Box 8 (tape drawer); Professor Allen said that this was a university-funded project; Dr. Finch approved and returned transcripts. 

    2.5 Southwestern University—Interview with Dr. William Finch. 
    Edited version by Dr. Finch of interview conducted by Martha M. Allen. 

    2.6 Southwestern University—Interview with Dr. Durwood Fleming, President of Southwestern University. 
    6-21-93; 6-22-93; 6-23-93. 
    Interview conducted by Martha M. Allen on three dates; although Dr. Finch approved and returned the transcribed interview, Dr. Fleming never did. Tapes of the interview used to transcribe the notes are in Box 8 with Dr. Finch’s Interview tapes.

    2.7 City of Georgetown. 
    1986; 1987. 
    Celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday by Georgetown Fellowship of Churches; Urban Renewal Program; Main Street Project; student paper by Aimee Estep.

    3.1 Sheri Schlechte. Sepha Adams—Texas History-A personal touch. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 9). 

    3.2 Norma Salas. Martin Aleman—Through a Working Man’s Eyes. 
    Transcript; report; 3 tapes (tapes in box 9). 

    3.3 Tina Bachtold. Carle Kelse Anderson—Kelse’s Life in Georgetown. 
    September 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 9). 

    3.4 George Hutchinson. Lawrence and Kelse Anderson—The Andersons. 
    October 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (box 9). 

    3.5 Anji Boswell. Mary Bailey—Bailey Provides a Head Start. 
    December 1987. 
    Transcript; report; no tape.

    3.6 Mark Graves. Tillman Barron—Tillman Barron and His Place in History. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 3 tapes, 3 copies (tapes in box 9). 

    3.7 Martha M. Allen. Marjorie Beech—The V-12 Unit at Southwestern. 
    January 1987. 
    Transcript; 1 tape (tape in box 9). 

    3.8 Guy Fisher. Marvin Behrens—Special Love for Georgetown. 
    November 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 9). 

    3.9 Dorothy Berglund—Oral History Paper on Dorothy Berglund. 
    November 1987. 
    Report; no tape. 

    3.10 Lee Barnes Barden. Leroy Berkman—Texas-A Singular Voice. 
    April 1986. 
    transcript; report; index; 1 tape (tape in box 9). 

    3.11 Bobby Deaton. Emil C. (Pete) Bouffard—Oral History Report of Mr. Emil C. Bouffard. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; index; 3 tapes, 3 copies (original tapes in box 9, copies in box 10). 

    3.12 Sam Brady. Pat Brady—Interview with Pat Brady. 
    October 1984. 
    Tape index; 1 tape, 1 copy (tapes in box 10). 

    3.13 Randy Walsh. P.B. Branch—P. B. Branch-A Modern Day Legend. 
    November 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 10). 

    3.14 Matthew Henry. Elanor Brogren—Elanor Brogren-Oral History. April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; index; 1 tape (tape in box 10). 

    3.15 Caroline Jones. Lois Burkhart—Another Look Into the Past. November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; index; 3 tapes (tapes in box 10). 

    3.16 Christopher Carson. Ruth Carlson—Interview with Ruth Carlson. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 10). 

    3.17 Brock Curry. Mrs. Jewel Carter—The Benefits of Isolation. 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 10). 

    3.18 Laura Scott. Edith Caswell—Georgetown of the Past. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 10). 

    3.19 Dr. Martha Allen. Anna Chambers—Interview with Anna Chambers. 
    March 1985. 
    Tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 10). Clay, Johnny—Interview with Johnny Clay. 
    Oct. 1984. 
    1 tape [call number is for tape]. 

    3.20 Rodney K. Kaase. Ms. Emmitt Cooke—History of Georgetown. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    3.21 Charles Wright. Gervis Davis—Interview with Gervis Davis. 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    3.22 Robert Young. Mrs. Velma Ray Davis—History Through Mrs. Velma Ray Davis. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    3.23 Julie Gilean. Oran Davis—Oral History: a new approach to learning. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 11). 

    3.24 Robert Smith. Mrs. Bernice L. Dawson—A personal interview of Mrs. Bernice L. Dawson. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    3.25 Dawson, George Brian. George B. Dawson—Georgetown Remembers: an interview with George Brian Dawson III. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    3.27 Brian Wieters. L.J. Diaz—Minorities in Central Texas During the 20th Century. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 
    11 Edwards, Jewell. Interview with Jewell Edwards. 
    May 1985. 
    2 tapes [call number is for the location of the tape]. 

    4.1 Patrick Fitzgerald. Marvin Edwards—Oral History Paper on Marvin Edwards. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 11). 

    4.2 Cathy Herman. Mary Emmer Ellyson—The Eyes of Texas. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 3 tapes, 3 copies (tapes in box 11). 

    4.3 Cynthia Kay Burton. Mary Lela Richey-Engvall—The Daughter Who Said No: The Life of Mary Lela Richey-Engvall. 
    October 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; newspaper article and photograph of The Engvalls; 3 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    4.4 Dr. Martha Allen. Ray Engvall—Interview with Ray Engvall. 
    November 1985. 
    Tape index; 3 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    4.5 Noel Sy. Edward and Wallace Evans—Edward and Wallace Evans: Their Variety Store in a Business Community. 
    November 1987. 
    Report; no tape. 

    4.6 Stephen A. Katsurinis. Dr. Durwood Fleming—In His Own Words: Dr. Durwood Fleming on His Early Years at Southwestern
    University, 1961-1962. 
    November 1987. 
    Report; no tape. 

    4.7 Danny Villanueva. Charles Forbes—Oral History Paper on Charles Forbes. 
    November 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 11). 

    4.11 Richard Lawlor. Imogene Gillett—Oral History Paper on Imogene Gillett. 
    December 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 11). 

    4.12 Lorinda Bushong. Mrs. Velma Gillum—Stories from Mrs. Jack (Velma) Gillum. 
    September 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    4.13 Chris Janning. Woodie Givens—Woodie Givens, Georgetown, and Texas. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 11). 

    4.14 Joey Gimenez. L.G. Glover—Oral History Paper on L. G. Glover. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 12). 

    4.15 Norman Youngblood. Harry Gold—Georgetown, 1930 to Present as Examined Through the Remembrances of Harry Gold. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 3 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.16 David Giles. Oatman Green—Oatman Green: A Man With True Grit. 
    November 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 5 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.17 Randy Massey. Frank Hausenfluck—Frank Hausenfluck: Reflections on Childhood and Georgetown in the Early 1900s. 
    November 1984. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; photographs; 4 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.18 Karen Willis. Lillie G. Hausenfluck. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.19 John Luce. Mrs. Ester Lee Hausenfluke—An Oral History of the Background and Life of Mrs. Ester Lee Hausenfluke. 
    November 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 4 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.20 Robert Zearfoss. I. M. Hausenfluke—Oral History Paper on I. M. Hausenfluke. 
    Transcript; report; 5 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.21 Jeff Giusti. David Hicks—Georgetown: A Town of Old.
    November 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 12). 

    4.22 Will Glaspy. Billie Hoffman—The Life of Billie Hoffman As He Relates to Texas History.
    Transcript; report; 3 tapes, 3 copies (tapes in box 12 and copies in box 13). 

    4.23 Frank Leffingwell. Beulah Irvine—Texas Ranchers: A Dying Breed. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes, 2 copies (box 13). 

    4.24 Gregory Brown. Emil Ischy—Oral History Paper on Emil Ischy. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 4 tapes (tapes in box 13). 

    4.25 John Martin. Mrs. Tullia Ischy—The Hard Life of Mrs. Tullia Ischy. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 13). 

    5.1 Mike Lade. Tommye Jefferson—Tommye Jefferson: A Woman of the Black Community. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 4 tapes (tapes in box 13). 

    5.2 Ted Ellis. Y. W. Kimbro—Early Life in Georgetown. 
    November 1984. 
    Report; 1 tape (tape in box 13). 

    5.3 Kenneth Manning. Jesse Labit—Mr. Jesse Labit’s Life of Public Serice in Relationship to United States History. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 13). 

    5.4 Michael West. Charles Laughlin—History Brought to Reality. April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 13). 

    5.5 Chuck Ross. Blenda Lind—Pieces of a Whole. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 13). 

    5.6 Terry Ebner. J. D. Logan—Oral History Paper on J. D. Logan. November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 13). 

    5.7 Russell Klawunn. Gene Longino—An Individual’s View of History. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 13). 
    13 Concepcion Lopez—Interview with Concepcion Lopez. 
    2 tapes; tape only [Call number is for the tape]. 

    5.8 Hix Hardy. Elegene Lott—The Georgetown Life of Elegene Lott. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 13). 

    5.9 Barbra Horan. Claudie Mayo—Having Fun. 
    Nov. 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 14). 

    5.10 Desiree Stanly. Frances Mayo—An Indivdual in Texas’ Past. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 4 tapes, 1 copy (tapes in box 14). 

    5.11 Perry Bolger. Jane McCook—Growing Up in Georgetown. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 14). 

    5.12 Ada Polls. Mildred McElroy—Neither Spinster Nor Old Maid. December 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 14). 

    5.13 Arch McNamara. Oneita Medley—Oneita. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 14). 

    5.14 Laurie Rothhammer. Shorty Mitchell—Minorities in Georgetown. 
    November 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 14). 

    5.15 Michele Wells. Eula Morrison—A Working Woman in Early Texas. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcipt; report; tape index; 3 tapes (tapes in box 14). 

    5.16 Monica Cruz. Hilda Ohlhausen—Hilda’s Country. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 14). 

    5.17 Sheryl Nix. Isabelle Parker—Isabelle Parker: An Inside Look. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes (tapes in box 14). 

    5.18 Mike Keahey. Sidney Perrin—The Historic Life of a Normal Man. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 15). 

    5.19 Dr. Martha Allen. Vivian Peters—Interview with Vivian Peters. 
    January 1984. 
    Tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 15). 

    5.20 John M. Beitter. Thelma Poole—Williamson County History as seen through the Life of Thelma Poole. 
    Report; 3 tapes (tapes in box 15). 

    5.21 Jen Brinkley. Eunice Rader—Georgetown’s Past from the Perspective of Eunice Rader. 
    November 1989. 
    Report; 2 tapes (tape in box 15). 

    5.22 Marylin Lane. Erna Richter—Erna Richter: A Portrait. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 4 tapes (tapes in box 15). 

    5.23 Paul Wellman. Lula Richter—Oral History Paper on Lula Richter. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index on tape cover; 1 tape (tape in box 15). 

    5.24 Michael Weir. Plas Robinson—The Grass is Greener… 
    Report; tape index; 5 tapes (tapes in box 15). 

    16 Velma Salyer—Interview with Velma Salyer. 
    May 1985. 
    2 tapes [Call number is for tape]. 

    6.1 Marcus Flemming. Elizabeth Sanders—Oral History Paper on Elizabeth Sanders. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 16). 

    6.2 Tom Sweeny. Elmo Sherman—Oral History Report on Mr. Elmo Sherman. 
    Aprvil 1986. 
    Transcript; report; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 16). 

    6.3 Cynthia Silva. Kay Sherrill—Traditional Views and Mrs. Sherrill. 
    April 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes, 2 copies (tapes in box 16). 

    6.4 Dr. Martha Allen. Alpha Slawson—Interview with Alpha Slawson. 
    January 1985. 
    Transcript; 3 tapes (tapes in box 16). 

    6.5 Steve Lescher. Fred C. Smith—Oral History Paper on Fred Cooper Smith. 
    December 1985. 
    Transcript; 2 tapes, 1 copy (tapes in box 16). 

    6.6 Tyler Hunter. Ruby Snowden—Georgetown: A View of the Past. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 2 tapes (tapes in box 16). 

    6.8 Lisa Martin. Martha Tanksley—Oral History Paper on Martha Tanksley. 
    December 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 3 tapes; also includes a hand-written account by Martha Tanksley about her high school job working for the Myers of Southwestern (tapes in box 16). 

    6.9 Karen Hanna. Laura Harrell Thomas—Georgetown: The Best for Education. 
    November 1984. 
    Tape index; transript; report; obituary notice; 3 tapes (tapes in box 16). 

    6.10 Lea Ann Sikes. Otha Ullrich—Memories of Georgetown. 
    October 1984. 
    Transcript; report; 3 tapes (tapes in box 17). 

    6.11 Julie Hardy. Esther Weir—A Firsthand Account of History. 
    November 1985. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 4 tapes, 4 copies (tapes in box 17). 

    6.12 Brady Bohannon. Clara Williams—Georgetown History. 
    December 1984. 
    Report; tape index; 3 tapes (tapes in box 17). 

    Wolbrueck, Adolph. Eyes With Another Vision. 
    Dec. 1985. 
    Transcript; report; 1 tape (tape in box 17). 

    6.14 Davis, Ruth A. Florence Yearwood Wray—The Infamous Revealing Tape: Oral History Interview with Florence Yearwood Wray. 
    December 1985.
    Transcript; report; 3 tapes, 2 copies; also tapes of a separate interview with Florence Wray and Virginia Yearwood by Martha Allen (tapes in box 17). 

    6.15 Mark DeVaney. Pedro Zamora—Interview with Pedro Zamora. 
    November 1986. 
    Transcript; report; tape index; 1 tape (tape in box 17). 

    7 MICROFILM-The True Narrative of the Five Year’s Suffering and Perilous Adventures…; PACKET-We the People 200 (National Celebration in Philadelphia of US Constitution); NOTEBOOK-We the People 200, activities, historic information, credentials; PHOTOCOPIES-The Autobiography of a Pioneer Woman by Mrs. Blanche Higbee, On Creaking Wheels by Eloise Wade Hackets, Sixteen Years on the Great American Desert by Mrs. A. M. Green, Eveline Throop (Martin) Alexander Diary Apr. 30, 1866-Jan. 17, 1867. 

    8 Negro Fine Arts School — Iola Bowden. 
    Audiocassette tapes. 
    34 tapes of oral history interviews about Ms. Iola Bowden and the Negro Fine Arts School in Georgetown, Texas. 
    Dr. Martha Allen. Dr. Fleming Interview. 
    June 21, 1993. 
    5 cassette tapes (the corrected, typed transcript has not come back from Dr. Fleming, so a second one has not been typed yet).
    Dr. Martha Allen. Dr. Finch Interview.
    June 21, 1993.

    18.1 Southwestern University
    Georgianne C. Bode. Atkin-Clear Building. (1984). 136U. report on history of the building by student in Texas History Class.

    18.2 Southwestern University
    Susan Hilgeman. The History of Blue Hole. (1984). 136U. 

    18.3 Southwestern University
    Patrick M. Ruddy. The Story of My Great Grandfather Broussard and How He Affected the History of Texas. (1984). 136U. The Life Story of Dr. Joseph Broussard.

    18.4 Southwestern University
    Stockholm, Lynn. Life of Ruby Lee Shipp Burns. (1984). 136U. Report based on an interview. 

    18.5 Southwestern University
    Page, Ray. Dr. Daniel Cupp: A Great Texas Physician. (1984). 136U. Report written based on an interview. 

    18.6 Southwestern University
    Ricker, Philip. Mrs. Frances Dahlberg Curry. (1984). 136U. Report written for Texas History Class. 

    18.7 Southwestern University
    Moore, Mike. Easley-Raper House. (1984). 136U. Report written for Texas History Class. 

    18.8 Southwestern University
    Pool, Kenneth W. The Farmer’s State Bank. (1984). 136U. Report written for Texas History Class. 

    18.9 Southwestern University
    Morris, Trey. The Ku Klux Klan. (1984). 136U. Report based on an interview written for Texas History Class.

    18.10 Southwestern University
    Dumais, Michelle. The Lockett Building. (1984). 136U. Report written based on an interview conducted for Texas History Class. 

    18.11 Southwestern University
    McAfee, Alex and Denson, Debbie. The Makemson Hotel Complex. (1984). 136U. Report based on an interview conducted for Texas History Class.

    18.12 Southwestern University
    Zimmerman, Eddie. The Quality of Education. (1984). 136U. Report written based on an inteview for Texas History Class. 

    18.13 Southwestern University
    Ochs, Richard. Dr. Louis Spellmann. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class. 

    18.14 Southwestern University
    Hartzog, Reed. St. John’s United Methodist Church. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class. 

    18.15 Southwestern University
    Hardy, Joni. The Tinnin House and its Place—19th Century Texas Architecture. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class.

    18.16 Southwestern University
    LeDoux, Sheila. Faye Wallace—A Teacher for All Time. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class.

    18.17 Southwestern University
    McCullough, Kim. A Study of the Williamson County Jail. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class.

    18.18 Southwestern University
    Ross, Amy. Alice Wuest-Patterson. (1984). 136U. Report written based on interviews conducted for Texas History Class. 

    18.19 Southwestern University
    Estep, Aimee. Building the Future by Renovating the Past: The Main Street Project in Georgetown, Texas. (1992). 136U. Report written based on interviews. 

    18.20 V-12 Reunion. 
    Tape, transcript. 
    Interviews with participants of V-12 program during World War II; some names- interview with Morris Bratton by Amy Marshall, Bill Stevic by Wally Pilcher,Switzer by M. Allen, L. C. Slape by John Endsley, Hines by Hannah Inselmann; 2 micro cassettes, 4 cassettes (tapes located in Box 17). 

    19.1 Biographical info: Martha Allen. 1997.

    19.2 Iola Bowden. 1934. Handwritten notes; articles from newspaper; photocopies- who’s who in music, preparing bio. entries for Texans, school letters, handbook of Texas, newspaper articles; student history papers; transcript of Bowden’s journal; correspondence re: Iola Bowden; pamphlet on First UMC; Sou’wester pages; originals- anniversary party invitation, commemoration ceremony: program, flier, program: a tribute to Ernest L. Clark; university memos; card from Bowden to Dr. Fleming; news release on death of husband; correspondence on missing tapes.

    19.3 Heflin Bowden. 1992. Transcript of first interview with Heflin Bowden; comments after reading transcript of 1st interview; handwritten notes; correspondence Allen to Heflin Bowden; corrected transcript of first interview; dialogue by Heflin Bowden about world’s fair 1933 (2); letter from H.M. Bowden.

    19.4 Carl Henry. 1992. Handwritten notes; interview transcript edited by Carl Henry; letter from Allen to Henry; corrected interview transcript.

    19.5 F. Burr Clifford. 1992. Handwritten notes; letter to Clifford from Allen; transcript of interview of Clifford.

    19.6 Mary Denison. 1992. Recipe from Denison and letters; letters to Denison from Allen; corrected interview transcript; interview of Denison, transcript.

    19.7 Mary Engvall. n.d. Handwritten letter from Engvall to Allen with info on Bowden.

    19.8 Joan Few. 1992. Interview transcript corrected by Few; interview transcript final copy.

    19.9 William C. Finch. 1941. Letters to Allen from Finch; handwritten notes; letters to Finch from Allen; map of Nashville, TN; interview transcript corrected by Finch; corrected interview transcript; photocopies- reports to board- president, chaplain, dir. student life, etc.

    19.10 Durwood and Lurlyn Fleming. 1992. Transcript of interview with Durwood Fleming (edited); letter to Fleming from Allen; photocopy- president’s report to board, 1965-66; letters to Allen from Fleming; corrected transcript of interview with Durwood Fleming; transcript of interview with Lurlyn Fleming (edited); corrected transcript of interview with Lurlyn Fleming.
    Andy Fowler. 1992. Letter from Fowler to Allen; letter from Allen to Fowler; interview transcript; memo; letter to Ray and Dink Todd from Allen.

    19.11 Mary Elizabeth Fox. 1992. Handwritten notes; calender/booklet from Fox and business card; edited interview transcript; letter to Fox from Allen; corrected interview transcript.

    19.12 Marilyn Grim. 1992. Letter from Allen to Grim; handwritten notes; transcript of interview of Grim.

    19.14 Nettie Ruth Bratton. 1992. Note from Bratton; transcript of interview with Bratton (2); correspondence Allen to Bratton; handwritten notes.

    20.1 Drusilla Huffmaster. 1992. Letters to Huffmaster from Allen; transcripts of interview of Huffmaster.

    20.2 Biff Jackson. 1992. Handwritten notes; edited interview transcripts; chronology of life of Ben F. Jackson.

    20.3 Mary Kowalski. 1992. Transcript of interview of Kowalski; letter from Allen to Kowalski.

    20.4 Joan Clark Jones. 1992. Letter from Allen to Jones; interview transcripts of Jones interview.

    20.5 Carl Lloyd. 1992. Interview transcript edited by Lloyd; letter to Lloyd from Allen; survey on school; corrected interview transcript.

    20.6 Elizabeth Lundblad. 1992. Letter from Allen to Lundblad; transcript of interview of Lundblad.

    20.7 Nancy B. Madison. 1992. Letter from Allen to Madison; interview transcripts (2).

    20.8 Charles Miller. 1992. Handwritten notes; interview transcript.

    20.9 Billie Morgan. 1992. Handwritten notes; letter from Morgan to Allen; interview transcript edited by Morgan; letter from Allen to Morgan; corrected interview transcript.

    20.10 Dudley Bell Pate. 1992. Interview transcript edited by Pate; corrected interview transcripts (2)

    20.11 Ellsworth Peterson. 1987. Handwritten notes; newspaper article; letters to Peterson from Allen; Peterson March 1987 interview transcript (tape filed separately) ; interview transcript (by Esther Weir 1987).

    20.12 Charles Saterfield. 1990. Interview transcript (by Vanessa Davis).

    20.13 Birdie Shanklin. 1992. Letter to Shanklin from Allen; interview transcript.

    20.14 Ed Steelman. 1992. Newspaper article; “Some memories of the old days at Southwestern” by Steelman; interview transcript; note from Steelman to Allen; “The Possum Hunt”.

    20.15 Elizabeth Stewart. n.d. Handwritten notes.

    20.16 Paulette Taylor. 1992. Handwritten notes; letter from Allen to Taylor; interview transcript edited by Taylor; corrected interview transcript.

    20.17 Rosemary Stroman. 1992. Letter from Allen to Stroman; letter from Stroman to Allen; edited interview transcript.

    20.18 Martha Tanksley. 1992. Interview transcript.

    20.19 Esther Weir. 1992. Handwritten notes; interview transcript.

    20.20 Mary Jo Watkins. 1991. Handwritten notes; letter from Watkins to Washington; letter from Washington to Allen; interview transcript edited by Watkins; letters from Allen to Watkins; transcript of Bowden’s “Tiny Notebook”; corrected interview transcript.

    20.21 Fine Arts Building (FAB) dedication. 1956. Williamson County Sun, April 12, 1956.

    20.22 Methodist History of May, Texas. 1980. Letter from Allen to Todd; photocopy- Methodist History of May, Texas.

    20.23 Letters from publishers. 1995. Letters from publishers to Allen; responses from Allen; Allen’s resume; Eakin Press requirements for authors.

    20.24 Sample manuscript. The Gracious Gift: The Negro Fine Arts Schoo, 1946-66; Easing the Transition From Segregation to Integration. 1995. Sample- The Gracious Gift.

    20.25 Loose ends/miscellaneous. 1989. Newspaper article; handwritten notes.

    21.1 Editing 98 - Negro Fine Arts School. 1998. Memo re: manuscript corrections; handwritten corrections; typed photograph captions.

    21.2 Methodism, Race and Jones (SU). n.d. Handwritten notes; various sources; white legal pad 17 pages.

    21.3 Board Reports re: Iola Bowden. 1933. SU reports: faculty to board- 1933-34, 1934-35, 1942-43; presidential reports- 1933-34, 1938-39, 1942-48, 1952-53, 1958-59; faculty reports- 1933-35, 1942-43; registrar reports- 1933-34, 1938-40, 1942-44; exec. com reports- 1933-34; Dean of Music report- 1945-47; dir. of visual education report- 1947-48; dean of fine arts reports- 1947-49, 1951-52; univ chaplain reports- 1948-49, 1956-59; dean of women report- 1953-54.

    21.4 Negro Fine Arts School programs and history. 1947. Photocopies- programs, photographs of classes and recital participants from various years, typed notes of student and faculty lists, newspaper articles, magazine articles, 1954 Sou’wester article of Negro Fine Arts teachers and students, memos, student article; originals- program from 1950 piano recital and art exhibit, commemoration program and letter, handwritten notes.

    21.5 Editorial Comments. 1993. Various handwritten notes with editorial and revision material; letters to publishers requesting consideration of manuscript.

    21.6 Phone interviews. 1995. Address list for Iola Bowden interviews; handwritten notes and memos, most taken during interviews; correspondence requesting interviews.

    21.7 Registrar’s files (SU). 1993. Handwritten notes on registrar’s files and reports.

    21.8 Megaphone. 1950. Handwritten notes on various Megaphone articles; photocopies- Megaphone articles dealing with school and participants.

    21.9 Sou’wester. n.d. Handwritten notes on Sou’wester sections on participants, etc.

    21.10 Williamson County Sun. 1946. Handwritten notes on newspaper articles.

    21.11 School board. 1982. Transcript of dedication services of Central Middle School; handwritten notes on legal pad.

    21.12 SU file Iola Bowden. 1941. Typed notes from SU file on Iola Bowden; photocopies- various programs and publications from School of Fine Arts, memos mentioning Iola Bowden, various newspaper articles, original compositions, application for employment at SU, handwritten notes, handwritten and typed correspondence with university telegrams, articles dealing with death of father, Dr. A.M. Bowden transcripts, articles concerning death of husband, Walter Chambers, record of death and gifts left to university, photograph of Iola Bowden.

    21.13 Teacher questionnaires. n.d. Letters to teachers with questionnaires; record of answers to questionnaires; original questionnaires from participants (students) and correspondence; alumni records; handwritten notes; list of teachers/participants at Negro Fine Arts School.

    21.14 First UMC. 1992. Handwritten notes (yellow legal pad).

    21.15 Miller reunion. 1992. Handwritten notes (white legal pad).

    21.16 Carver reunion. 1992. Handwritten notes (white legal pad); photocopies- Marshall-Carver School reunion programs, article reprint from Williamson County Sun.

    21.17 Marjorie Beech. 1990. Letter from Allen to Beech; transcript of interview by Allen; transcript of interview by Vanessa Davis (corrected and uncorrected).

    21.18 Joe Barnes. 1992. Original article from Williamson County Sun; handwritten notes; transcript of interview by Allen; letter to Barnes from Allen; corrected transcript of interview.

    21.19 Dorothy Berglund. 1992. Handwritten notes (white legal pad); typed interview transcript.

    22.1 Publication of “Gracious Gift” (August 8th, 1990-July 19, 1998)
    Includes personal notes, a copy of the July 19, 1998 Sunday Sun, and a few correspondences to and from Ms. Allen.

    22.2 Iola Bowden Legacy (July 2, 1990-Fall 1990; Bulk Date: July 20th, 1990)
    Includes newspaper articles, press releases, a program from the July 20th ceremony, and a 1990 issue of “Southwestern Quarterly.”

    22.3 Greg Washington’s Folder (n.d.)
    Folder entitled “Bowden Project” includes various correspondences dealing with research and preparation for the commemoration. Correspondence with Martha Allen included. 

    22.4 Students and Teachers List (1947-1964)
    Two lists, one that names every student in attendance at the Negro Fine Arts School from 1947-1964, and another that names every teacher involved during those years. 

    22.5 First Recital Pictures (May 21, 1947) (Photo Folder 1)
    15 photos from the first recital preformed by the Negro Fine Arts School

    22.6 Class Photos (n.d.) (Photo Folder 2)
    Five class photos from The Negro Fine Arts School includes personal notes that may accurately identify the people in some of the photos.

    22.7 Class Photo sent to Allen from Washington (1992) (Photos Folder 3)
    Contains a class photo from unknown year and envelope that marks the sending date in Sept. ’92.

    22.8 Photos of The Negro Fine Arts School’s Students (n.d.) (Photos Folder 4)
    Contains two photos of young women who attended the Negro Fine Arts School

    22.9 Identified Negro Fine Arts School Photos (1947-1960) (Photo Folder 5)
    Contains seven photos and handwritten notes that properly identify the persons in the pictures.

    22.10 Negro Fine Arts School Photos sent to Allen from Fox (March 7, 1992) (Photo Folder 6)
    Contains nine photos of both individual students and groups from the Negro Fine Arts School

    22.11 Articles Written About the Negro Fine Arts School 
    (1951-1973; Bulk Dates: Labor Day 1951 – May 15, 1964)
    Various Newspaper and Magazine Articles regarding the Negro School of Fine Arts including two editions of “Southwestern Magazine” and the May 15, 1965 “Megaphone.”

    22.12 Articles Sent by Mrs. Chambers (Iola Bowden) 
    (Bulk Dates: May 13, 1960, May 28, 1964)
    Contains an envelope addressed to Dr. Osborne at Southwestern from Mrs. Chambers. 
    1. May 13th, 1960 edition of the “Megaphone” 
    2. An article from the May 28, 1964 “Williamson County Sun”

    22.13 Recital and Recognition Programs
    (May 21, 1947- July 24, 1999; Bulk Dates: May 21, 1927-April 27, 1969)
    Contains all of the recital programs from performances by students from the Negro Fine Arts School, also includes the program from the historical marker dedication of Carver High School, as well as a program from the tribute to Earnest L. Clark, who was Southwestern University’s first African American Alumnus.

    22.14 Sheet Music Folder (n.d.)
    Music booklets that may have been used at the school and were owned by Iola Bowden
    1. ~O Perfect Love~ -composed for Miss Bowden’s wedding to Walter R. Chambers
    2. Renaissance: Free Transcriptions of Old Masterpieces
    3. Sheep and Goat: “Walkin’ to the Pasture” Cowboys’ and Old Fiddlers’ Breakdown
    4. Antiche Danze Ed Arie
    5. Gaspard De La Nuit

    22.15 Iola Bowden Impact (n.d.)
    Contains a few newspaper articles about and pictures of Iola Bowden’s former students.

    22.16 Photos of Iola Bowden (n.d.) (Photo Folder 7) 
    Contains two pictures of Iola Bowden. 
    1. A picture of a younger Iola in a public place playing an instrument.
    2. Iola at an older age playing the piano. 

    22.17 Photos of Iola Bowden and Family (n.d.) (Photo Folder 8)
    Contains two pictures of Iola Bowden with a family member. 
    1. Mrs. Chambers and Mr. Chambers 
    2. Mrs. Chambers with a younger relative (?)

    22.18 Iola Bowden’s Personal Notes (Fol. 1) (Rose Notepad) (Dec. 15, 1937- March 13, 1939)
    A notepad with a rose on it, which has “Bowden” on the inside cover. 

    22.19 Iola Bowden’s Personal Notes (Fol. 2) (Taken from Binder) (1954-1962)
    Iola’s notes taken from a gray binder that include a list of teachers, scattered dates, and names.

    22.20 Cassette Tape Titled “Ellsworth Peterson Talk About Iola Bowden” (March 4, 1981)
    Transcript can be found in Box 20 Folder 11 of Martha Allen Collection