Distinctive Collections
What’s New in Special Collections - September 2023
This monthly post will update our readers about archival collections that have been processed, updated finding aids, and additions to our print holdings. These items are just a sampling of the many resources available in SU Special Collections and Archives. For more information email: sudistinctivecollections@southwestern.edu.
Open gallery

Print Holdings
The Esther Scroll of 1746 [Facsimile]
Collection: Bible and Hymn Book Collection
Manuscript scroll, 64.2 x 33.5 cm, in wooden display, with commentary volume by Falk Wiesemann, 194 pages
This reproduction of the Esther Scroll, delivered in a handcrafted walnut-veneer display case, is a richly illustrated continuous text. The original manuscript, measuring almost 7 meters long, forms the core and heart of the Jewish festival of Purim and is a unique artifact depicting the story of Esther in contemporary German.
Junior League of Midland Collection: New Collection
The Junior League of Midland Collection comprises administrative documents, including executive papers, meeting minutes, and documents detailing events and programming. The collection also includes published works, including annual reports and publications of The Tumbleweed(1963-2018), and mixed media such as the Junior League of Midland Film, scrapbooks, and photographs. The majority of the collection’s materials span from 1947 to 2019.
F.D. Love Collection: Updated Finding Aid
The bulk of the collection is composed of correspondence between F.D. Love and his wife Mellie (Lockett) Love, written between 1903 and 1910. The majority of these letters describe F.D. Love’s experiences as a Texas legislator, including his work on specific committees, the ad valorum tax, and the passage of the City Depository Bill, which he authored and proposed. These letters provide a candid look at many Texas politicians, such as Governor Lanham, Judge Glasscock, Senator Bailey, and J. T. Canales. Of particular note are two letters describing celebrity visitors to the Texas Capitol, including Sarah Bernhardt (1906) and Theodore Roosevelt (1905).
James Samuel Barcus Collection: Updated Finding Aid
Papers of J. Samuel Barcus (1865-1948), President of Southwestern University from 1924 to 1928, and other members of his family. J. Samuel Barcus was a Methodist minister as well as a teacher at Southwestern University and created most of the papers, including memoirs, correspondence, sermon notes, daily journals, and brief histories of Texas Methodist churches. Other materials, mostly created by his family members, include family photographs, Southwestern University memorabilia and publications, and scrapbooks.
Oscar Ullrich Papers: Updated Finding Aid
This collection, gifted by Mary Ann Ullrich Barboure, consists of correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, speeches, articles, programs, and news clippings from the files of Dr. Oscar A. Ullrich. Dr. Ullrich began his 45-year career at Southwestern University in 1920 as a professor in Education, later heading the Psychology Department, and twice serving as the Dean of Faculty from 1926 to 1958 and again from 1961 to 1962. This collection contains materials dated between 1917 and 2003 and gives insight into Dr. Ullrich’s campus involvement, correspondence with President Lyndon B. Johnson, and his active membership in the Georgetown community.
Digitized Content
The Georgetown Aerial Collection
The Georgetown Aerial Photograph Collection includes 35 aerial photographs taken in the 1930’s. The collection comprises original film negatives covering central Georgetown and some surrounding areas. Some photographs feature the Southwestern University campus and Georgetown Square, providing a snapshot into the town’s history. Most of the research done to identify the original images was by Donna Josey in 2014 and 2015.