Smith Library Center
Celebrate Literature at the Edible Book Festival
Join us for the SLC’s 2023 Edible Book Festival sponsored by Mosaic.
Open gallery

Smith Library Center is hosting an Edible Book Festival. We invite students, campus personnel, and SU community friends to submit culinary creations inspired by a favorite book or literary character. We invite you to join us on April 24th at 3:30 pm for the most exciting event of the spring semester!
What Is an Edible Book Festival?
Participants who wish to compete in the contest will create a book-inspired dish out of any ingredients - there are no limits, and it certainly does not need to be perfect.
Edible entries can be assembled with fruit, vegetables, snacks, candy, and baked goods.
Please use minimal to zero inedible items when crafting your entry (i.e., paper or plastic).
Entries do not have to be book cover replicas - but they can be!
See the images for inspiration.
The Edible Book Festival will occur on Monday, April 24th, from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. Festival entries are requested to arrive before 3:15 to give time for our SU judges to review these delights and announce a winner towards the latter half of the event. Judging will be based on visual presentation, and will not include tasting the entries. We are excited to have SU faculty and staff serve as judges.
Winners will be chosen from 6 categories:
1) Best in Show
2) Most Original
3) Most Nutritious
4) Best Library Theme
5) Most Peculiar
6) Most Punny
3:15 All edible contest entries have arrived
3:30- 4:15 Cookie decorating and entry viewing
4:15 - 4:45 Judging Begins
4:45 Winners Announced
5:00 End of Festival
Connect with book enthusiasts at the Edible Book Festival and participate in cookie decorating, view book-inspired creations, and enter your masterpiece. To enter an edible art piece, please visit
We look forward to hosting a community-wide engagement and building connections while sharing the joys of literature.
Please submit any questions to