Open gallery

The Sarofim School of Fine Arts presents Seeking Form: Alumni Art Exhibit at the Sarofim Gallery, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, from September 21 - October 31, 2021. The exhibit includes work by graduates of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts program in painting, drawing, and printmaking who have exhibited their work as practicing artists post-graduation. “There were more artists than we could possibly include in our first alumni exhibit of this type, so we selected artists who represent various stylistic and conceptual approaches that will demonstrate the versatility of our program and its graduates,” says Gallery Director and curator Victoria Star Varner. “The exhibition is comprised of artists who have either stayed within the field of painting or who have ventured out into other artistic media but whose foundational conceptual education was in painting theory and practice. Their works run the gamut of contemporary art approaches including high realism, abstraction, conceptual art and post-conceptual approaches.” All of the artists in this exhibit have also stayed in touch with the faculty and Alumni Association, covering the map from California to New York, and several are returning to campus during Homecoming to talk with art students and for the art reception.
The reception for Seeking Form: Alumni Art Exhibit is Saturday, October 16, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. in the Sarofim Gallery at the Alma Thomas Fine Arts Center and is free and open to the public (masks and distancing required).
“We are very proud of all of our graduates, and we hope to continue having more alumni participate in future exhibitions,” says Varner.
Participating Artists:
Sophia Anthony
Kelsey Baker
Adam Bork
Lauren Cardenas
Norma Clark
Meili Corbin
Sarah Fox
Becca Gordon
Xan Koonce
Alyssa Lester
Paloma Mayorga
Lauren Muskara
Jake Pawelek