Open gallery

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected society in unforeseen ways. Forced isolation, social distancing, and a lack of human interaction can be beyond difficult for individuals due to most members of society being accustomed to sharing moments, exchanging words, and expressing emotions with others in person on a daily basis. During these trying times, I have re-centered my work on small, subtle moments that extract emotion from my being and make me feel alive and allow me to be thankful to be alive and healthy. My work aims to fill in the gap of the feeling of interaction society has been longing for. Concentrating on the relationship between these two notions, I aim to connect with my audience through the moments and emotions people shared with their pets. Being at home with our pets allowed us to notice tender human-like characteristics from them that we otherwise would not be around for. My work serves to encapsulate that shared experience with our pets after partaking in social distancing and safety measures that led to a monumental amount of quality time spent with our animal companions.