Summer Elliott’s painting series rainbowflat_connection acts as an extension of the Big Flat Now Theory in which the invention of the internet has reconstructed our globalized society through rapid communication and reinterpretation of known images and patterns. Flatness has permanently changed the relationship people have with time and access to knowledge; there is no longer time disparity between us and what is happening on the other side of the world, as we are able to get this information instantly. Her work is inspired by the possibility of layered understanding that has been caused by the commodification of the internet allowing for the shortening of physical, mental, and emotional gaps between us as well as the rapid pace at which this information is received creating a kaleidoscopic effect.

Virtual Artist Talk: April 7, 2021 from 6 – 7:30pm

Watch a recording of Summer Elliott’s, Mattie Wesoloski’s and Hal Webster’s Virtual Artist Lectures via Youtube here.
