Born in Houston, TX and raised in the Rio Grande Valley, Aransas Haley is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Chi, and for two years served as the Vice President of the University Programming Council as still serves as an active member. As part of UPC she works to plan and organize Southwestern’s Friday Night Live program, which offers an on-campus event each week ranging from stand-up comedy to live music. On behalf of UPC, Aransas is responsible for creating a program that allows students to open for FNL’s professional performers, as well as directing, producing, and performing in UPC’s first live performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. “Club involvement is important to me because it’s a wonderful outlet for self-exploration. Plus, it’s a great way to find out about new resources and similar opportunities you might be interested in on campus. Everything I have learned being in clubs – teamwork, patience, accountability, dedication— I know I will use for the rest of my time here at Southwestern and beyond.”