Nicole was born and raised in Austin, Texas. Having gone to a high school over twice the size of Southwestern, she wanted to find ways to make an impact on our close-knit campus.  “I’ve been involved in lots of different groups on campus, and I’ve found that there really is a place for everyone. My experiences range from opportunities in the EQUIP and SCOPE Programs for STEM research and engagement, to working as a Biology Teaching Assistant, to participating in Student Government Association and Honor Code Council. Greek Life has also had a huge impact on my leadership experiences and skills. I’ve served as a delegate on the Panhellenic Council, I’m involved with the Greek Coalition, and I’ve held several leadership positions in my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. As the current Chapter President, I even had the opportunity to travel to Atlanta for a leadership conference! I’ve found that for my Southwestern experience, I’ve not only learned in the classroom, I’ve also learned from the connections I’ve made with my peers and advisors around campus.”