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On the brisk morning of Saturday, November 16th, Mr. Socks was waiting patiently for his morning meal. His usual feeder, Sam, President of Cat Partners, came down from their apartment with no food in sight. How could this be? In his confusion, Sam scooped him up, brought him inside, and gingerly pushed him into a cat carrier, despite his protests. How could his food-giver do this to him?! The betrayal! But it was necessary - Mr. Socks was due for his rabies vaccine, just in time for Georgetown Animal Shelter’s low-cost shot clinic for pets.
Sam carried Mr. Socks to their car, passing his fellow colony member, SuperCal. She followed at a distance, concerned for her cuddle-buddy. They got in the car with Mr. Socks in the passenger seat, and were off, Mr. Socks meowing along the way.
When they arrived at Georgetown Animal Shelter, there was already a significant line of fellow Georgetown pet-lovers, with dozens of their beloved dogs and cats in tow. Mr. Socks was not a fan, although the dogs around him in line were enthralled; the adorable duo, Sweetie and Finn, a mutt and Cocker Spaniel in line just behind Sam and Mr. Socks, pushed their faces up against the door of his carrier for a few good sniffs. Mr. Socks did not appreciate this, but knowing there was nothing he could do, he settled into passive disgruntlement.
As the line progressed, Tonia Hermann, Vet Tech, began to work her way through the line. When she reached Mr. Socks, she quickly gave him his vaccine and sent them inside for payment and licensing. Mr. Socks was now ready to go home - it was cold, he’d been stuck with a needle, and he’d been trapped in a carrier for nearly an hour. He did not have the best time.
On the way back to campus, Mr. Socks was much more quiet - he knew he was going home. Sam parked, carried Mr. Socks back to his territory, opened the door to his carrier, and off he bounded, a free, fully-vaccinated cat once more.