Summer 2017 Digital 3D Architectural Recording for Archaeology
Open gallery

The Restoring Ancient Stabiae Foundation/University of Maryland School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning will be offering a summer season of the field school in digital recording of architecture for archaeology at the Roman villas of Stabiae.
“We established a very successful curriculum last year, which is described in the attachment (I hope). We were working with reflectorless laser theodolite and LiDAR and, absolutely irreplaceable hand drawing in the field, and stitching with photographs, hand-traced Illustrator files and AutoCAD. Even students who had little or no experience with hand drawing or CAD turned out to be very productive. Transfer credit of three hours is granted from the University of Maryland with Prof. Lindley Vann as professor of record.”
Details for Summer 2017:
Arrive Sunday, June 18, depart Saturday, July 8
Residency at the Vesuvian Institute, RAS Foundation, double occupancy, private bath, full room and board, genuine Italian cuisine; cost $3200 for three credit hours, University of Maryland.