Student Organizations

Cat Partners


Kelly Lessard

Cat Partners Advisors

Kelly Lessard

Cat Partners Advisors

Cat Partners of Southwestern University (CPSU) manages the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for cats at Southwestern University. Cat Partners cares for all free-roaming cats on campus—both stray and feral. We feed*, spay/neuter, vaccinate, and provide for veterinary care as needed for the feral cats. We help stray cats by reuniting them with their owners or finding them new homes. Any kittens born on campus are fostered and adopted out. We are an all-volunteer group which includes faculty, staff, students, and neighbors.

The three feeding stations located on campus serve as bases for the colonies and help us to keep track of the cats’ activity. Cats are fed daily year round, with students handling most of the feeding during the school year and faculty, staff, and friends of Cat Partners feeding during summer break and over University holidays.

Cat Partners was started by a student, Alex Brown, in 2010, in an effort to protect and improve the lives of the feral cat population on campus.

Cat Partners does not function as a rescue or sanctuary for cats and we do not accept additional cats from outside Southwestern into our colonies. We are, however, happy to provide instruction in how to trap and information about managing cats in colonies off campus.

Leadership Team

President - Ellen Chesney
Marketing and Social Vice President - Sarah Doroshow
Education Vice President - Helene Spiewak 
Membership Vice President - Jaelyn Matthews
Cat Feeding Vice President - Jayden Beauchea
Fundraising Vice President - Kalyn Stinson
Cat Ambassador - Mabee Cats Michelle “Lainie” Siegel
Cat Ambassador to Admissions Cats - Elizabeth Wang 
Cat Ambassador to Caskey Cats - ziva jacot 
Graphic Designer - Brady Williamson

Advisor (Staff): Kelly Lessard