Student Activities

McMichael Fund Grant Application

The purpose of the McMichael Student Experience Enrichment Fund (MSEEF) is to support co-curricular opportunities for students enrolled at Southwestern University. MSEEF program encourages SU students to participate in experiences that will encourage their development as bright, moral and courageous leaders concerned with the betterment of society. MSEEF funds to defray the direct costs of such experiences should also enhance the lives of others in the SU community. MSEEF-funded experiences can be co-curricular (i.e., adding value to classroom learning) or extracurricular (i.e., not for credit and unrelated to the classroom) in nature. The MSEEF fund is not to be used as a substitute for academic or department funds for paper/conference presentations.

The MSEEF program is supported through a gift from Southwestern alumna Sue Mood McMichael in honor of her husband, William A. McMichael. Each student awarded a MSEEF grant is normally eligible for up to $800 for funding for direct expenses (or up to $2,400 for a group of 3 or more for the same experience - only one shared application needs to be submitted for the group). It is hoped that students who benefit from the fund will repay the grant and make additional contributions at some later point in life, so that the MSEEF will increase to benefit future student generations.

Grant recipients are expected to make direct use of their experience to benefit a recognized Southwestern University organization, or to seek recognition for a new campus organization, tradition, or activity within the semester following receipt of the grant. Successful McMichael Fund applicants will clearly demonstrate how their project enhances student life, for their fellow students, at Southwestern University. Additional criteria considered by the Committee when considering McMichael Fund applications includes:
- Award recipients must be enrolled and in good standing at Southwestern University AND must return to SU for at least one full semester following the funded experience.
- MSEEF funds are for the benefit of students; therefore, faculty/staff expenses or stipends will not be considered.
- If classes are missed as a result of MSEEF program funding, it is the responsibility of the participant to work with faculty members to complete all assignments and/or make up work in advance.

Please review the application thoroughly and then direct any/all questions to Derek Timourian, Associate Dean for Student Life at (512) 863-1665 or It is highly recommended that students speak to Derek Timourian before submitting an application in order to avoid errors and/or unnecessary work.

An application requires all five of the following elements in order to be considered for funding.

#1 - Application: All the questions on the application must be answered completely with the specific information requested.

#2 - Proposal Statement: A one-page summary of the nature of the experience, its purpose, the means by which it will be completed, the implications of the project for the Southwestern community, and a time line of the experience and its dissemination is required. A fully developed statement of goals, research of need and feasibility, and itinerary, is strongly encouraged. Supporting materials such as conference information, brochures, flight information, maps, photographs, etc. should also be submitted.

#3 - Budget: The total commitment of funds for a single award from the MSEEF will not exceed $800. Funds will generally be allocated for travel and registration expenses, and/or for training or supplies, but may include other direct expenses estimated and approved in advance.

#4 - Resume(s): A one-page resume, consisting of biographical information, educational and career objectives, education, honors and awards, membership in campus and community organizations, and experience relevant to the proposed experience. Each student listed on the application must provide a resume in order to be considered for funding.

#5 - Letter of Support: All proposals shall have attached a letter of support from a staff or faculty member who is willing to serve as a mentor for the experience. Such a letter shall be brief and indicate the extent to which the proposed experience meets the criteria for the MSEEF, whether the experience is feasible, and, where appropriate, that space on campus is available for dissemination of the experience. In addition, the letter should confirm that the staff or faculty member is willing to serve as coach and confidante for preparation and dissemination of the experience.

Proposals are to be submitted prior to 12 noon on the following submission dates: Friday, September 23, 2022; Friday, November 4, 2022; or Friday, February 3, 2023. Applications should be received a minimum of six weeks before funding (generally participation fees or travel disbursements) is needed. Please plan to submit your application prior to the appropriate deadline for fullest consideration.

Important note: Applications received after the final deadline (February 3, 2023) may not be reviewed by the Committee if all funds have been allocated.

A final report, consisting of an experience summary, a reflection of the meaning of the experience, photographs, an accounting of the funds expended, and a progress report on campus benefits, shall be submitted before the student graduates, leaves SU without intent to return, or within 90 days following experience completion, whichever is sooner. The student life advisor will be responsible for maintaining archives of final reports and the business office will oversee all budgets. 

NOTE: Failure to meet the terms of the campus benefit (application, question “8”) or the experience described as a final report will result in revocation of the grant. If a grant is revoked, it must be repaid before the next class registration, request for transcript, or graduation.

Link to view/submit McMichael Application