
Leadership Library

The Student Activities Leadership Library is a collection of print and media resources available for Southwestern students, organization members and organization advisors. Items in the library can be checked-out for use for a specified amount of time or can be used while in the Student Activities office.

The Catalyst


Do you know of titles that should be added to our collection? Let us know.

DVDS Available
  • Avoid “Fall”ing Back: Transitioning Your Team
  • Better Meetings with Parliamentary Procedure
  • Energize Your Membership: Creating Active Members

* A Student Activities staff member can be available to present the DVD programs to your organization in a private Leadership Session. Contact Oliver Agger-Shelton for details at x1874.

Books Available
  • 29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch by Robert Slater
  • The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player: Becoming the kind of person every team wants by John C. Maxwell
  • A Kick in the Seat of the Pants by Roger von Oech
  • The Art of Supportive Leadership by J. Donald Walters
  • A Whack on the side of the Head by Roger von Oech
  • Civil Disobedience and Other essays by Henry David Thoreau
  • Dream, Dare, Learn, Lead by Dan Kaluzny
  • The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge
  • Get Everyone in your boat rowing in the same direction by Bob Boylan
  • How to Manage Conflict by Peg Pickering
  • The Leadership Engine by Noel M. Tichy
  • Leadership for Dummies by Marshall Loeb
  • Leadership is an Art by Max DePree
  • Leadership in the Making: Impact and Insights from leadership development programs in U.S. Colleges and Universities by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Learning to Lead by Warren Bennis
  • Self- Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph W. Emerson
  • Sticking to It: The Art of Adherence by Lee J. Colan
  • Stretching Lessons by Sue Bender
  • The Wisdom of Teams by Jon R. Katzenbach